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Triumph Above All novel

Chapter 3
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Chapter 3

It turned out that his men had mistook the wrong woman which caused him to waste his love on Yvonne

for five years.

She’s pregnant before she’s even married and she has no clue who her daughter’s father is? Could she

be my daughter then? Well, if that’s the case then fate really has pulled quite the prank on me! Oh, how

ironic indeed!

When Skylar had finally regained his senses, Yulia was getting ready to leave.

Besides, she was forced to tag along anyway. Since Yvonne decided to not only humiliate her earlier,

she was even told to leave, Yulia decided that she could not be bothered to deal with Yvonne.

“Hey Yulia, just hold on a second.”

Suddenly, Skylar reached out to stop Yulia.

“What’s the matter? Do you want to leave with her?” Yvonne mocked.

“So, you want me to leave don’t you? All right then, don’t come begging for me to stay after this.” Skylar


Yulia snapped back at him. “Beg you to stay? Oh please, keep dreaming then! I can have any man in the

entire city after I attend the Commander’s retirement ceremony. You are nothing more than a worthless

rebound to me, why would I even be bothered to give you any attention anyway?”

Oh please, we’re talking about the Commander’s retirement ceremony here. Can’t you see that even

Harry is buttering up to me now?

She thought that the penniless Skylar should feel honored to even be allowed to be obsessed over her.

However, she never expected that Skylar would suddenly turn around to kneel in front of Yulia with the

wooden pendant as he said, “Will you marry me, Yulia?”

This sudden change shocked both Yvonne and Harry. They could not believe that just moments ago,

Skylar was still begging Yvonne to marry her and somehow, he would suddenly propose to Yulia.

What is wrong with him? He was willing to be my obsessed follower when I was a nobody, and now he’s

no longer willing to keep up that clingy act after I was invited to attend the ceremony? Gosh, what is he

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even thinking? Why doesn’t he act like a normal person?

Yulia was completely stunned after he said that as she wondered if she had misheard him.

However, Skylar looked incredibly sincere as he repeated what he said earlier. “Will you marry me, Ms.

Yulia Sue? I swear that from this day on, I will make sure that no one would ever hurt you anymore. I will

give you a life of glory if you’re willing to accept this Dragon Seal.”

Yvonne was livid to hear that as she said, “Everyone in my family knows that you are nothing more than

a rebound to me, Skylar! You’re just trying to insult me by proposing to that shameless jinx, Yulia, aren’t


“Get out of my sight right now or I will slap you!” Skylar yelled.

You have a death wish for calling Yulia a shameless jinx!

“Damn you!” Yvonne furiously exclaimed and continued, “You know, I actually felt bad for you earlier, but

now, I want absolutely nothing to do with you! I will end you as soon as I return from the ceremony!”

However, Yulia seemed lost while staring at the wooden pendant. She was thinking about how her

daughter would always cry about wanting a father and how her grandmother and uncle was planning to

marry her off to the eldest son of the Wexler family. He was known to be a complete creep.

“I do!” Yulia replied after taking a deep breath and accepting the wooden pendant from Skylar.

This made Skylar incredibly happy. However, Yvonne was seething with rage after watching Yulia’s stunt.

So, she approached Yulia and was about to grab her hair while saying, “Calling you a shameless jinx

would be an understatement. How dare you value something that I renounced! You’ve disgraced our

family, Yulia…”

Suddenly, a loud slap could be heard as Skylar slapped Yvonne across her face.

Since Yvonne ignored Skylar’s warning earlier and was still bold enough to insult Yulia, Skylar decided to

follow through with his word.

This slap stunned Yvonne as she could not believe that the man who had been obsessed over her for

the last five years would slap her for Yulia.

Skylar glared at Yvonne and said, “Listen closely now. Yulia belongs to me from this moment on. I will kill

anyone who dares to hurt her. No one from their families would be spared from my wrath!”

Every action had a consequence. Skylar wanted everyone to know that the consequences of crossing

him would be none other than death. He had decided that Yulia would be the most important person to

him from that day onward.

Hearing that stunned Yvonne as he wondered if Skylar was even the same bootlicking man she always

knew him to be.

“Let’s go, Yulia,” Skylar said while holding Yulia’s hand.

Suddenly, Yvonne scoffed and said, “Don’t you forget, Yulia. My dad and our grandma has already

arranged a match for you to marry. If you dare leave with him, grandma will no doubt exile your entire

family from our family’s business. Tell me, do you think you’d be able to live with that cruel step-mother of

yours? Oh and don’t forget, how do you plan to raise that bastard child of yours without our family’s


Yulia was stunned as soon as she heard that and did not know what to do. She knew that Yvonne was

serious. Especially when she was invited to the ceremony. Yvonne had pretty much become the pride

and joy of her family. She knew that her grandmother would listen to anything Yvonne told her.

Yvonne felt smug at Yulia’s hesitance as she said, “Look, Yulia, since we’re sisters, I will give you

another chance. Now tell me, do you still want this man?”

“Let’s go, Yulia. No one will be able to bully you anymore with me around!” Skylar exclaimed.

Yulia’s heart thumped as she nervously followed Skylar out of the private room.

Upon seeing how defiant Yulia was, Yvonne was livid as she screamed, “Oh wow, a bootlicker and a

shameless slut! You sure make the perfect couple. Don’t you worry, you both will be begging for your

lives real soon!”

Yulia withdrew her hand as soon as they got out of the cafe.

“Look Skylar, I know you’re only proposing to me to save yourself from the humiliation…”

“I wasn’t!” Skylar denied immediately.

However, Yulia waved her hands around and said, “You don’t have to comfort me. Look, I’m not some

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pure and innocent girl anymore. I can clearly tell what’s real and what’s not now.”

Her response made Skylar panic as he replied, “Look Yulia, I’m really not some impulsive guy.”

Yulia remained silent after hearing what he said. She knew that he was not an impulsive man since he

was willing to hold onto a promise he made five years ago.

“I believe that you’ve heard what Yvonne said earlier. I got pregnant before I was even married and I

have to raise a four year-old daughter right now…” Yulia replied.

However, Skylar seemed slightly excited when she mentioned her daughter. He said, “I’m really happy

that you have a daughter, Yulia… I mean, no, I meant to say that your daughter doesn’t bother me at all.”

Upon hearing that, Yulia gave him an odd glance and said, “You’re just acting impulsively and didn’t

know what you’ve signed up for earlier, right? You know, Yvonne was invited to attend the Commander’s

retirement ceremony and she will bring good fortune to our family now. I, on the other hand, well, I’m the

black sheep of the family.”

However, Skylar chuckled and said, “Oh please. That isn’t impressive at all. Look, I can get as many

invites as I want if I’d just say the word. I didn’t expect her to act so arrogantly just because of some

invite. If she dares cross me again, I will humiliate both her and her father during the ceremony.”

Yulia rolled her eyes at him and said, “Yvonne has talked about you to me before and I just think that

you’re a really great guy, albeit a little obsessive. But, now it seems that you’re quite good at bragging


However, Skylar replied in a serious tone, “I wasn’t lying to you, Yulia. Look, if you want to go to the

ceremony, I can bring you along with you.”

Since Yulia was not in the mood to listen to him boast, she asked, “So, do you really want to be my

daughter’s father?”

“Of course!” Skylar nodded immediately.

How could he not want to be when that was his biological daughter?

Yulia raised her brow and said, “Come with me to pick her up from preschool then. You know, it’s not up

to me to decide. You need to pass her test before you’re allowed to be her father.”