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The Rise of Dragon Temple By Wu Xia

Chapter 22
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Chapter 22

At the entrance of the villa, Sebastian and Joseph stood across from each other. At this moment, the two

of them were the center of attention. Sebastian was the 4th highest-ranked elder and a decorated

military commander in Frogua, while Joseph was the head of Dragon Temple. Both of them were

basically unrivaled in terms of fighting skills. Initially, everyone assumed that they would start fighting

against each other. Thus, no one had expected that Sebastian would intend to pass on his legacy and

the nation’s security to Joseph. With Joseph’s ability, would he be able to take charge of Frogua’s

security? Certainly. In the past five years, he had set up Dragon Temple, an organization as strong as the

military forces in Frogua all by himself. Furthermore, he had done so without any resources. With the

support of the entire country, how strong would the nation become under his leadership? This was

beyond anyone’s imagination. The smile on Sebastian’s face grew even wider after Joseph received the

tokens from him and Matt. He glanced at Joseph with a look of relief. For so many years, he had been

leading the military all by himself. As he grew older, he felt like he was getting tired more easily over

time. Sebastian had long considered passing on his responsibility to others as the pressure was

becoming too immense. After all, he had to fight against both external enemies and hidden sects within

the country from time to time. As such, he became mentally and physically exhausted. In fact, it was also

difficult for him to make any more breakthroughs in his martial art . abilities… When he found out about

Joseph’s true identity that day, he seemed to have seen a ray of hope in an instant. Joseph’s strength

was no weaker than his. He finally found his successor as the leader of Frogua’s military… “Do your

best, Joseph. Do whatever you want. As long as it doesn’t go against your conscience or morals, we will

back your decisions…” Sebastian reassured Joseph. Joseph remained silent. Noticing the exhaustion in

Sebastian’s eyes, Joseph could tell that he was truly burned out from his job. Despite Sebastian’s

intimidating aura, he seemed extremely tired… At this moment, Joseph, who well understood

Sebastian’s intentions, fell silent. His expression turned serious. Then, he looked at Sebastian and said,

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“Perhaps I’m not as good as you think. I may not be able to take on the responsibility…” “Hahaha…”

Sebastian laughed out loud upon hearing Joseph’s response. The next moment, he looked around and

pointed to the four Dragon Temple Masters. “If you are unqualified, then who would be good enough to

lead our country? If the

four of them work together, I might not even be able to defeat them. Felix’s strength also increased

tremendously after leaving Dragon Temple. How can you say that you’re not qualified?” Sebastian swept

his gaze in all directions and roared at the crowd, “Do you think Joseph has the right to take over

Frogua’s military forces?” As soon Sebastian finished speaking, everyone else was all shocked. Indeed,

if a formidable person like Joseph was unqualified for the job, then who else would be? What shocked

them more was that Sebastian was not spouting nonsense, but he truly had the intention to hand over

his seat to Joseph. How old was Joseph at the time? He was probably no more than 30 years old.

Compared with the four current highest-ranking leaders within Frogua, he seemed to be really young. If

he took over the military forces, he would probably be the youngest leader in the nation’s history. As

such, everyone was shocked. Logan, who had made the right decision to side with Joseph, was so

excited that his entire body was trembling. He was going to be rich, so was his family. As long as he held

firmly onto the support of Joseph, his family would even be able to become the top aristocratic family in

Frogua’s Frogua. Right then, Logan was so emotional that he started tearing up. Sebastian turned to

look at Joseph and said, “You should also consider your subordinates’ wellbeing. They are all top-notch

experts, but they are also originally from our country. Your return would benefit them. If you take over my

position, they will also be happy…” Joseph frowned slightly. After thinking for a long time, he looked at

Sebastian and replied, “Thank you for your kindness, but I don’t want to get involved in these things

anymore. I… I have a daughter now, who is still waiting for me to go home, and a person whom I have

hurt. I have a lot of things to do next. I want to stay with them…” In the end, Joseph’s voice became

hoarse. Deep down in his heart, he had always regarded himself as a citizen of Frogua. If the country

needed him, he would definitely offer help. However, he did not want to overthink at this point. He just

wanted to go back to accompany his daughter. Rendered speechless, Sebastian glanced at Joseph with

a rather unnatural look. He suddenly recalled the photo he saw previously. Joseph was holding his four-

year old daughter in the pigsty, vomiting blood before he fainted. “Ah… F*ck!” Sebastian was

disappointed. These b*stards from the Kennedy family were the ones who influenced Joseph’s decision.

The next moment, Sebastian roared and suddenly appeared in front of Brandon, who was shocked.

Then, he killed Brandon with a single slap. With a wave of Sebastian’s broadsword, all the direct

descendants of the Kennedy family were killed. Since Sebastian saved Ethan’s life, it was more

appropriate for him to execute other members of the Kennedy family. Once he was done murdering

them, he suddenly turned his cold gaze toward Ethan, “Ethan! Watch this clearly. I am the one who killed

your family members. In the future, if you seek revenge, come and find me.” Ethan quickly knelt on the

ground and said tearfully, “I wouldn’t dare! They all deserved it…” Ethan understood Sebastian’s

intentions. At this moment, even others in Frogua would be embarrassed because of heinous things that

the Kennedys had committed, let alone Sebastian. Thinking of this, Ethan gritted his teeth and drew his

sword from his waist. He rushed into the remaining crowd of the Kennedy family and began to slaughter

them… “It’s all because of you! I’m going to kill all of you!” Ethan was enraged. However, not long after,

another series of violent footsteps came from the foot of the mountain. The next moment, Samuel

brought a squadron of fully-armed police officers. The moment he saw Sebastian and Terrance, his

expression drastically changed. He had never expected that the two highly ranked leaders would be

there. Moreover, they both had darkened expressions on their faces. In particular, Sebastian seemed

furious. Cedric Gonzales, who was behind Samuel, was even more terrified at the sight of so many big

shots. He was surrounded by more than hundreds of powerful men who could easily kill him… Cedric

gulped the lump in his throat as cold sweat kept dripping down his back. Then, he hurriedly lowered his

head and followed closely behind Samuel Meanwhile, Samuel greeted Sebastian, “Sir, I am Samuel

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Clark from the Police Department of Apren City.” “Okay.” Sebastian was in a bad mood. Waving his hand

casually, he then ignored Samuel. Pointing at the remaining members of the Kennedy family, Terrance

ordered Samuel, “Take care of these people. They deserve ten times the penalty. Kill those who deserve

to die. The rest of them shall be imprisoned.” Terrance was in a bad mood as well. The punishments on

the Kennedy family members would be harsh. Even if they could survive the torment, they would not be

able to return to their comfortable lives… “Yes!” Samuel quickly nodded. Then, Cedric arranged for his

men to escort those from the Kennedy family down the mountain. “By the way, there shall be a gag order

on today’s incident. Everyone has to sign a non-disclosure agreement. Anyone who leaks information will

be sentenced to death!” While watching Cedric, Sebastian quickly warned. Joseph made it clear that

he did not want to reveal his identity, so Sebastian naturally had to help him. Samuel hurriedly nodded in

agreement. “Sir, don’t worry. I will arrange for these nobodies to undergo a minor memory loss operation.

It would be fairly easy to erase their memory for the past two days.” “Yes, that would be best…”

Sebastian nodded. Samuel hurriedly wiped away the cold sweat on his forehead. After Cedric escorted

the men down the mountain, Sebastian walked up to Joseph. “The past is behind us, and no one wants

to see you suffer. Please be rest assured that you and your family will never suffer such grievances in

Frogua. I will wait for you in Vowhye…” “The last thing I want to say is that you should definitely

reconsider my proposal. I won’t be able to last for many years. I hope you’ll take over Frogua’s military.

Sigh…” Sebastian patted Joseph’s shoulder and turned to walk down the mountain. Terrance also

walked up to Joseph and said, “Joseph, if you need anything in the future, just let me know at any time. If

it’s inconvenient for you to come forward to deal with any trouble, I’ll solve it on your behalf…” Joseph

nodded. “Well, thank you, Terrance.” When Sebastian and Terrance left, men from both the Kennedy and

Parry families were all detained. Logan and Samuel then looked at Joseph in awe. Because of what

Sebastian said earlier, Joseph would potentially become the future successor of Frogua’s military, which

was a global superpower. Kneeling before Joseph, Samuel bowed in respect. “Allow me to greet you in

respect, Mr. Dawson…” It was unknown whether Joseph would take over Frogua’s military forces in the

future. Would he? If so, he would be the youngest ruler in the nation’s history… O Would he?