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The Million-Dollar Heart by Rebecca Ryan

Chapter 794
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Jerry weighed the possibility, a hint of gloom in his voice, "If that's the case, we're in for strouble. Let's not even mention that the harassment case is several years old now. But at present, they're insisting that the girl committed suicide because of severe depression, and encountering Julian just pushed him over the edge. We have no way to verify that." "Who says we can't?" Vivienne, acting on the information Matthew had dug up earlier, stepped into the elevator, "Just wait for my news. I'll fill you in later." The moment the elevator doors closed with a ding, she promptly ended the call.

Percival watched the floor numbers rise with a hint of concern in his eyes, "Vivienne, are you really sure that woman's daughter will help us?" Vivienne: "I'm not sure." Such honesty, and they were at a loss for words.

Sensing the chill in Vivienne's gaze, Percival cleared his throat, "So, are we here today just to fish for information?" "Exactly." The elevator dinged upon reaching the fifteenth floor.

Vivienne waited for the doors to fully open before stepping out.

Walking along the corridor towards the most secluded corner, they approached the VIP hospital room with the poorest lighting.

Through the glass door, they could see a girl in a hospital gown sitting on the pristine white bed, barely in her early twenties. Her face was devoid of color, skin stretched over bones as if she was merely a skeleton with a layer of flesh.

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She didn't seem to care about her cracked, bleeding lips, her gaze lifelessly fixed outside the window.

Several birds perched on the glass, hopping around cheerfully and unafraid of humans.

As she reached out, the birds fluttered away in all directions.

Thomas, with sharp eyes, noticed the bandages revealed as the girl stretched her arm.

A long strip, extending from her wrist into her sleeve without a visible end, as if her entire arm was wounded.

He frowned slightly, scanning the room, "Why is it so quiet? Didn't Zinnia claim she visits daily? It's past lunch, and no one's brought her food?" Walking past, other VIP rooms seemed at least to have sactivity, be it a nurse or a family member. This area felt like a forgotten corner of the world, devoid of life. If not for the girl inside, he might think the room was unoccupied.

Vivienne and Percival noticed this too.

Zinnia used to post pictures of Cassidy's room on her account three times a day, like clockwork. Yet now, well past lunchtime, she was nowhere to be seen.

"Something's off," Percival coldly concluded.

Without hesitation, they pushed open the door and entered.

Vivienne and Thomas followed closely as Cassidy turned to the disturbance.

The tthen saw the bandage wrapped around her neck.

Her eyes showed no surprise or panic at the sight of strangers. Desolate as if nothing in the world could stir any emotion on her face.

That moment, Vivienne was certain; this girl was indeed suffering from severe depression.

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She paused, gently pulling Percival to stop at a distance that would feel safe to Cassidy, "You must be Cassidy." Vivienne's tone was firm, and Cassidy didn't deny it. Her barely perceptible nod was like a dead tree's last sway, her eyes void of speech.

Yet Vivienne could sense her thoughts, pulling up a chair to sit, "We're here about the situation online. Your mother, accusing Julian of harassment, you know about it, right?" At the mention, Cassidy's previously stagnant eyes flickered to life. Her pupils trembled, a pained expression crossing her face, and if one looked closely, they could see guilt and unease.

"I..." Cassidy's voice was hoarse and unpleasant, "I know. He didn't harass me. I... I'm sorry to him....." Chapter 794 1 Even an S-sized gown hung loose on her, revealing layers of bandages beneath with any slight movement.

Vivienne's eyes darkened with thought, but she finally voiced her question, "If you weren't harassed, then what caused your severe depression?" "You don't think I'm faking it?" Cassidy froze. After a few moments of bewilderment, she expressed her disbelief, "Why? That woman, she thought I was pretending. Why do you believe me?" Vivienne shrugged, "Because I'm a miracle worker." Thomas thought, although it was true, wasn't that a bit too immodest? Percival remained silent; ever since Vivienne boldly declared herself a genius in front of Samantha, he was no longer surprised by her confidence. A miracle worker, indeed. It was simply the truth, no room for debate.

Cassidy, perhaps unused to such straightforwardness, fixed her gaze on Vivienne again. After a while, she seemed to accept it, "I know why you're here. You wantto testify for Julian?" Before Vivienne could respond, Cassidy continued, "I can help you, but I want you to promiseone thing." "Nit." Chapter 794 2 Following her gaze, Vivienne looked out, seeing the charming sparrow hopping on the ledge and the et of birds flying across the blue sky. A little sparrow was frolicking by the window for a while before it hurriedly flew into the sky.

Cassidy watched this sight, which to others might seem mundane, with eyes full of envy and even longing.

Vivienne's pupils flickered twice before she turned to look at Percival.

The expression on his face mirrored hers perfectly.

She blinked, sitting down next to Cassidy under Percival's watchful gaze, and said with certainty, "You want to escape from her. Your family are not treating you well?" She couldn't think of any other reason why a girl in her early twenties would want to break away from her own family so desperately. Cassidy silently nodded but said nothing.

"I can take you withafter it's all done," Vivienne knew what she wanted, "But, you have to tellwhy. Otherwise, I can't trust you." A flicker of light finally appeared in Cassidy's dulled eyes. She turned to face Vivienne directly, "I'll tell you. As long as you can takeaway, I'll tell you everything!" "Speak," Percival glanced at his phone to confirm that Zinnia and the others had no intention of coming to the hospital, and also moved a chair to sit next to Vivienne.