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The Broken Warrior’s Daughter by Cooper

Chapter 702
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Chapter 701 Felipe had no choice but to answer their questions. After all, he had lost all his subordinates.

He spoke slowly, "I never said I would harm you." "Father, I am truly disappointed in you," Andy said bitterly.

Miriam was even more disappointed. "Felipe, we trust you so much, coming to participate in the family banquet, and this is how you treat us? I don't have a brother like you." Felipe remained indifferent. No matter what they said, he didn't care. All he cared about was the power of the Bass family.

"I will spare you this tfor the sake of when you savedin my childhood. But the next twe meet, we will be enemies. Harriet, let's go." With that, Miriam led Harriet, Andy, and the Bass brothers to leave.

Harriet took a deep look at Delbert.

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But he was comforting Sadie, who was frightened by the scene.

'Would Sadie be afraid? She is pretending.' Harriet thought bitterly.

When Harriet returned to the villa, her face was very grim and pale.

Miriam felt guilty about this. She regretted trusting Felipe so easily, almost putting Harriet in danger.

She walked to Harriet, her face full of self-bland anxiety.

"Harriet, are you okay? I shouldn't have believed what Felipe said. If I hadn't believed him, you wouldn't have been in danger today. I'm so sorry." Harriet reassured her, "It's okay, Mom. It's not your fault. Felipe is too cunning, and he deceived you.

"We were deceived and suffered losses this time, but it won't happen again," Miriam said.

Andy felt equally guilty.

He shouldn't have trusted Felipe.

The Bass brothers, however, felt that this matter could not be easily forgiven.

"This is not over. We'll make them pay the price," Arthur said. "We have been making concessions, showing them kindness, but all we got in return was this result, whichas not worth it." Harriet nodded. "I will let Felipe know that hurting my family comes with a price." Her patience had reached its limit long ago, and she no longer wanted to endure.

If it weren't for Miriam's sake, she would never have born with Felipe.

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So, they quickly reached an agreement.

Led by Arthur and Levi, they started to strike at the Bass Group.

They made a call and demanded, "I want to see the stock price of the Bass Group plummet tomorrow morning." The next day, Felipe and Sadie received the news.

"Mr. Bass, since this morning, our stock price has been falling, with sign of recovery. Felipe's and Sadie's faces changed.

Felipe coldly questioned, "How could this happen? Hasn'your stock Sy plummet like this? s been stable? Why did it get

Sadie followed up, "Have the financial statistics of our losses been om e calculated? The employee replied anxiously, "The 6nce department is on it, s go on like this, we mat bankrupt."