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Tame Me My Brother -in-Law

Chapter 28
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“This restaurant has earned a reputation for having oxcollent food...” Blade remarked as he sat down and handedthe menu with an excited smile on his face.

As | took the menu from his hand, | nervously bit the lower part of my lip. My scowl! deepened as | looked over the list of the foods that were on the menu.

Each individual dish cost not lower than forty-five dollars to purchase. It was too terrifying to order cuisine of this kind in this establishment.

“A penny for your thoughts?” The guy asked me, undoubtedly realizing that | was hesitating to order. “Is there something that’s not quite right?” “No way, not even close...” | smiled awkwardly as | handed back the menu to him. This guy is here to swindle a lunch out of me, isn't he? How did he even find a place this remote? My wallet was already crying at the prices on this menu.

Blade took the menu fromand proceeded to place BL ier for sof the restaurant’s most well-known and pricey meals, which resulted in several hundred dollars in charges, | also asked the walter if he might assistIn charging my phone, telling him that | needed to get in touch with somebody really important.

When everything that Blade ordered had finally been delivered, he began to dig in and | just stayed there watching him, unable to touch any dish.

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“This taste is to die for. Con, help yourself to it...” Blade gavea friendly smile and offeredto try one of the dishes that was sitting in front of me.

“Indeed, it is...” the corner of my mouth twitched and I tried the wild salmon that he pushed in front of me, and | nodded in agreement that it was really good before tears started to well up in my eyes.

In the past... Jenny and | have shared meals, spending only about two to three dollars, but this meal...

“Hey, are you okay...?” he asked when he noticed my unpleasant face after tasting the wild salmon.

“Yeah... It's just that...” | heaved a sigh, forcing a smllo at him. “Oh, forget about it. Just go on, eating...” Blade wiped his lips with the table napkin, and then he turned his attention towith a smile on his face. “What's your name?” he asked, pushing the plates away from him makingnarrow my brows.

Is that all he did-tasted one or two spoonful of each of the dishes, and then he’s done? “My nis Celine...” | spoke in a low voice. “Are you done eating?” “I'm full...” he casually said before leaning back against his seat.

“Excuse me... what?” A rich person again. He's wasting food and money, and | couldn't take it. | couldn't believe it! For a poor person likeand Jenny, | don’t think she will be happy with such a man who has a habit of being extravagant and wasteful.

“Bald I'm full, how about you?” He repeated, and | couldn't stop myself from alamming my hand down on the table, which caused him to flinch, and his eyes widened as he gazed at me.

“If I hadn't picked you up at the airport, | probably would have assumed that you were just any random person searching for something to eat. Are you aware that a single meal in this restaurant can cost several hundred dollars?” | waited for him to respond, but his face remained expressionless, so | went on with what | was saying. “You took at most two bites before declaring that you are full. If I'm being completely honest, | don’t think Jenny has the money to support you, so if you'd doa favor and walk out her life, you could save her from a lot of pain in the future that you're going to cause her!” | took a moment to compose myself before picking up my spoon and started to eat, and trying to finish everything he ordered.

you don’t want to eat, then | will!” | crammed a large piece of steak into my Chapter 28 Stranger mouth and made the statement while doing so. “I should at least get my money’s worth!” 5/7 My blood even boiled in fury when he just watchedwith amusement in his eyes before he laughed out aloud. | gave him a condescending look while | shoved a piece of chicken further into my mouth.

“You know what, there's nothing funny here, and I'm telling you this... you can’t have everything go your way just because you're aesthetically pleasing. Three hundred dollars for a lunch? My God! This is nothing more than an insult to individuals who have worked very hard for their money!” | shoved the last piece of steak into my mouth before waving a hand in the air to get the waiter’s attention.

“Excuse me, but is my phone done charging?” | asked before | drank the water from the glass, “I'll check for it, Miss...” he said before he left again to check my phone.

Hooked at the guy in front ofwhile | was waiting for the waiter, and the grin that was plastered on his lips remained there the entire time. What the hell was wrong with this guy?

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“Here's your phone, Miss, the battery is already full After the walter had brought me my phone and | had thanked him for it, | turned it on, and immediately saw Jenny's nappear on the screen, indicating that she was calling me.

“Hello, Jenny... I'm already with

“Celine, I'm really sorry!” she cut off and | frowned, wondering why she's apologizing to me.

“What's the matter again?” “My boyfriend was supposed to be there today but he couldn’t make it. I'm

extremely sorry to bother you with this, Celine, but his flight is Scheduled for tomorrow Because my hand was! Slowly making its way down, putting the phone on the table as | stared at the man in front ofwith my mouth agape and my eyes wide open, | was unable to hear what she was tellingover the phone.

“Who are you?” | whispered it between clenched teeth, and he laughed as he extended his hand for another handshake.

“My nis Jake Harvey... It's nice to meet you, Celine...” dil