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Tame Me My Brother -in-Law

Chapter 21
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| was fast enough to catch Celine’s body before she fell to the ground, lifted her up, and carried her bridal style. Just | was about to walk out of the room, | felt someone’s fingers wrapped around my arm.

“S-Seb..” Hearing Brylee’s voice preventedfrom moving. “Where are you taking her?” | heaved a deep sigh before shaking off her hand and continuing to walk, but another woman pranced over and she looked like she was on the verge of blowing a fuse.

My mother cast a suspicious look in my direction before interrogatingwith the question, “What in the world are you doing, Sebastian?” “Her temperature is rising...” | said, oblivious to the eyes that were surroundingand anticipating my next move. “I can't just leave her here “What the hell are you talking about?” She glanced atwith eyes filled with disbelief and astonishment.

“I'm taking her with me, mom...” | don’t want to meet her gaze because I'm afraid I'll bechypnotized and make her stop me. “She’s going hwith me...” As | walked away from mom, | felt someone heavily place their hand on my shoulder. | didn’t look around to see who it was because | could tell by the way he was pressing his hand on my shoulder that he was angry with me.

“Julio... what is it that you want?” “She’s my daughter, I'm the one who will take her home, Sebastian...” he was now in front ofand wearing a fake smile, his voice sounding ingratiating.

And as he was talking, he extended his arm to take Celine from my me, but | retreated a step in the opposite direction. “She’s not going hwith you.

I'm bringing her to the hospital...strangeness of the situation was exemplified by Julio’s frozen smile and the twitching of his lips where no one could see. “Of course... to the hospital it 1. is. She must have been delirious from the fever. Come, give her to me...” “Don’t bother.” | stated it without changing my tone. “I'm going to—" “Sebastian.” It didn’t occur tothat Brylee was already standing next to 1. me. “There are enough people in the Lauren family to handle this situation. It is not necessary for you to do it for my sister. Are you going to leave our engagement celebration, which has already been ruined because of her?” | caught a glimpse out of the corner of my eye that my mother moved closer to me, revealed how her stare was filled with an infinite amount of disdain as she looked at Celine. “Sebastian! Hand her over to Mr. Lauren!” My mom's voice didn’t budgea bit. | stared at the unconscious woman in my arms, my heart skipped a bit and | couldn’t help but feel sorry for her. | can’t give her to her father. | witnessed him inflict both physical and emotional pain onto her.

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Hef But another deep sigh as | gazed up at the people in front of me, mainly at julle who was walling forto hand his daughter to him, “Since my clothing is already soaked, please allowto be the one to take her to the hospital.” | spread the word. “That ought to spare the Inconvenience for everyone else...” Only then did everyone realize that because | had been holding the soaking Celine, my clothes were also sodden. Everyone stepped aside and gave the way toas | walked out of the hall.

“Brylee...” Brylee’s voice was shaky and when | turned to look at her, she fluttered her eyelashes and she suddenly burst into tears.

“Don’t cry, Brylee...” mom whispered to her ear, loud enough forto hear.

“Kindness has always been my son’s weakness.. Before | could finally exit the room, | saw dad hurried over to Brylee to comfort her since she was now a sobbing mess.

| opened my eyes into an unfamiliar room. There was a faint cigarette smell wafting in the dark room, in which only a lamp in the nightstand was on.

attempted to sit up but failed miserably because | had the impression that the room aroundwas whirling. “Where am I?” | massaged my temple with my fingers, the aftermath of the sickness still leaving trails of dizziness.

All | could recall was that | cried on my mom's body in the hospital, and read her letter for me.

In the room, there was a man smoking, but | couldn't make out his face or identify him. Most likely my father? “You're awake?” a magnetic voice suddenly rang out in the night makingflinch. | had to use all of my willpower to get up, but once I did, | immediately leaned my back against the headboard and put my instinct for self-preservation on high alert.

The room was instantaneously lit with blinding lights the moment the switch was flipped.

| wasn’t in the best of health at the time, so | didn’t Instantly Identify his voice when | heard it, and it wasn’t until then that I realized who else was in the room with me.

Sebastian, who was dressed impeccably in a suit that accentuated the perfection of his figure, approachedwith his hands stuffed into the pockets of his pants as he stopped at the foot of the bed. He looked atwith a serious expression on his face, and the air around him was tinged with an icy chill.

“Where am 1?” | asked, my voice was scratchy and hoarse. “What are you going to do to me?” Deep lines creased my forehead as | stared at the man who was standing ramrod-straight and shrouded in an indescribable chill.

Uneasiness gripped me.

| tore my gaze away from him and let my gaze roam around the room, but as soon as | realized that this was the splace where | had given myself to him, my heart leaped into my throat, Did Sebastian bringhere? Why?

In a fit of anxiousness, | began to fiddle with the fabric of the sheets with my fingers. | regarded him with suspicion as | went over in my thoughts the possible reasons as to why he had broughtback to this place,

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“So... you don't remember what au said to me, huh The man's lips were twisted into an indifferent arc, and his eyes were so iced cold that they chilled the bones in my body.

What's he talking about?

“|... I don't understand...” | was a little uneasy about him, I squeezed my eyes shut... trying to recall what happened, and my eyes widened in horror as | opened them.

My hands clutched the sheets tightly to my chest with both fists, the reality of my mother’s death hitso hard. | was able to remember quite vividly how Juha Tauren had slappedin front of the people who were inside the hall, on well in how Bryles had arter, claiming that she cared aboutwhile in reality she didn’t 2/9 Everyone's scomtul glances ofwere like spikes that pinnedto the slake and setablaze, and it felt like | was the target of a witch hunt.

The memory of the scene emerged once more in my thoughts.

Unconsciously, | bit my lower lip so hard that it bled. Sebastian gazed at my eyes, which were becoming more and more clouded by sadness, as well as my shoulders, which were slightly shaking.

My eyes widened in surprise when he leaned down. | moved my head back subconsciously, couldn't figure out what he was playing at.

His eyes flashed with a hint of obsecure dark light and before | could react, he grasped my chin with his fingers and whispered in my ear... “So, you're playing a trick on me, huh?