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Stronger by Ang Chris

Chapter 41
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Chapter 41 “They'll take Brian and a member of the Waxing Pride, they'll head out tonight, until his wife cback safe Alpha Steven will be here,” Grayson shook his head with a sigh at that last part.

“For life long friends you can’t stand him,” | noticed with a smirk.

“You've met him. He speaks and acts without thinking... | don’t” He grumbled.

“Oh I know,” I concurred with my smirk only growing.

Grayson gavethat tugged corner of his mouth as a smile in return. Last night was seared into us now. The adoring and full hearted k*sses had sealed us together, the stone wall of a line we drew in the sand had been crossed.

Eventually we parted and | went to sleep on a cloud. | know | sound like a teenager after her first date when in reality I'm talking about my husband. If | was human he and | would have a thorough knowledge of each other before calling each other husband and wife. Sometimes | dream of that, but now | am forever captivated with our story.

After all it was ours.

“Brian will have a sat phone he’ll updateevery morning before they rest,” Grayson changed the topic and pulled back to the task at hand. “When they return | want you to check the scent on anything they bring.” “Sounds good to me,” | nod, trying to pretend like | was paying attention which | really really should be.

His hand sn*ked around my waist. “I'm distracted too, so don’t worry,” his breath lingered on my n*eck, the urge he had to k*ss my skin was audible.

| pulled away form him trying to get my head together. “I have to go to the border patrol again and this t| really need to pay attention as Luna it's my job,” His ire was all over his face.

“Well I will be out there around noon,” He straightened, inching closer like a predator in the forest. “That won't be at problem will it?” “Grayson behave,” | scold him, sl*pping just out of his reach and heading for the door. “I'll see you later.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

You would think breaching the physical barrier would abate the air of tension between us. Instead | stoked the flames of an unknown fire in my mate and now he was insatiable, he wanted nothing but to be next toand my brain was unprepared for this interference with my duties.

| headed to the border and was ready to listen to Elizabeth about all the alarms, special defenses, and signals. As Luna defending my people was one of the most important things | did. | knew Elizabeth with her no nonsense attitude would helpfocus.

“Have things grown between you two?” She greeted me, arms folded over her chest, a sly look on her usually stern face.

“Apparently not.

1/4 ng ty ng had 55) 1m 1/4 Chapter 41 “What do you mean?” | gaped at her stunned thhauidd fillowing woman was so flagrant speaking to her Luna.

I know she sees Grayson as a dear friend, and shed hab been there foreven when | had trouble with him.

She someone | have cto trust absolutely. Seemn beenotto blatantly withwas not something | thought would cafter all these weeks of interaction.

“My apologies Luna,” She straightened. “Aarron was at the beep today and said you two were in Graysons office al morning, and Amaria said something about a dream.l.tldott.gossip but if it concerns an heir...

It made sense why she was being so frank now. She wanted takow if | was pregnant or if Grayson and | had a ch at being pregnant.

“My heat is coming, Grayson and | are getting closer, butts oftgtttitwould take divine intervention for an heir to produced,” | clarified then gave her a stem look. “Which i would prider you kept between us,” “Of course, | know | should have been more delicate butal dilalt’s want you here defending if you were,” She cough her awkwardness at crossing into my private life now washed byer heer.

“Elizabeth you have taughtalmost everything | need to be thedunn berel | trust you if there was a chance for heir | would tell you before anyone else here,” | flxppantly spobethinking bad toew how thankful I had been for h Instead she stopped dead in her tracks and looked as though | had told hbed Idowed bor. CLuna | am-thank you,” | gave her a soft smile. “Elizabeth even through all my troubles arriving beyond heed helped me. You gavesupport in a twhen | needed it most. Besides that i know no matter what youuwill do what is best for our pack well aware of how lucky | am to call you a friend of course | would tell you bonerd keep pregnant,” | spoke earn Elizabeth, one who was not one for a lot of emotions, much like my husbandiccoughed and docked from side to sid am, honored Luna,” She looked away from me. “I think of you as a good friends well, “I believe | have defense training.” | nodded to her, giving her an out from the tendemoss “Yes, let's,” She nodded but gavean almost proud smile.

She taughtthe secret defenses we had around the perimeter. Hidden tripivires and bombs rigigged. Pop up defer fifty, twenty and ten yards out. Trench defenses, and oil set to light if needed.

Grayson was critical with protecting what he loved. Now that we had crossed the threshold obtouchlint | wondere exactly how far he would go for me.

kow It was hard not to shiver at the thought of his dark side. He had built this place for his future dami had been so careful to letin. Seeing the defenses of the border it only solidified the knowledge that thhamnari giving my heart to would burn, the world to a crisp to keepsafe.

| know he would crack every bone in the b*dy of a man who would try and takefrom him. Was it wrong that endearedto him? Wolves could be brutal and hostile, but I liked to help, heal and care. Still the thought teava protectwith no mercy madetrust him even further.

“Impressed?” Chapter 41 | smirked to myself at his gravelly wice raising thehairom my n*eck. He knew | liked it so he led with it.

“Do you blme?” His hand brushed my tiacammy spineddragging his knuckles.

You are enjoying this far more than | thought ynsmiti.

His laugh hit my ear and | did my best to not lean againtimisest just to feel him further.

There is nothing like the pull to the person made for you. When you take things further your instincts speed up all rational.

Still so much had happened | know this could not be ourcourse hallito keep slines intact. | couldn't jump into the deep end because it looks warm.

“If you wantto stop | will,” he stepped back a ways from me.

I spun and put my hands on his shoulders bringing our bodies badstupgether. This can be our new normal. | don’t mind touching you, I'm just not comfortable with anything amogettianwhite have,” As long as you're comfortable with this I'm okay,” his hands fosterkoml*ps. Twillmevenmake you uncomfortable or upset again,” We went to dinner after Grayson checked security footage. Basic drilllod making; suuremothing went past.us.

Tonight Brian, Lilliano and a warrior of the waxing pride pack would leave and track whever conto our lands.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

“Amal!” Lillianna envelopedin her arms with her sweeping grace Liliana cannot thank you enough,” | whispered into her ear, Because this was going to be a stealth mission no one in any of our packs outside of the alplasand the betas knew what was proing on.

This meant it had to look normal to all eyes. highly doubted someone from our pack conillettray what we hold in hents, but the safety of everyone was involved here.

Wydating this is what friends are for!” She gave her glamorous smile and we sat down toest “Ginyummitwhilellim away you and Steven will behave yourselves, she gave a sternlook.toluriinusband.

Stevenshikaway from her alittle. | believe he had not gotten away unscathed for his comment:thecontenitay.

How he comidiawe-openly insulted/Lilianna so carelessly | have no clue. It was not intended to woundilienthutkow it did. They didiftlaw.any pups and insinuating he wanted my alpha blood even as a joke mustilavastuung.

“I will be perttuntiyniz.“Cimyaoh mudded to her as he put sextm meat on my plate..

Ever since he finundit my heat was coming he’s wantedto have full plates and lots of protein liwasation tooling a lot of bloutandifl was predilight not hitquite so hard.

iron This is also why hadimpalle myxolla uppmach sulod for every meal. All the extra from | could need. I've been dressing, Chapter 41 my heat ever since I've learned of it and | don’t think anyone would blme.

The b*dy convulses and burns up to as hot as 107 degrees. Your stomach muscles contract and constrict. And bleed like a faucet for at most three days.

The only thing that will help is the touch of your marked mate. Grayson being my soulmate means his touch feel like fresh snow. Allegedly.

It didn’t feel like it could cany day. It felt like I still had time. | felt like | had enough tto get more comfortable with Grayson touchingmore intimately It seemed we were always sped up by life. No matter how much we want to put the breaks on, our world i faster and faster.

Goddess knows what will happen to us.....

Chapter Comments Susan Moledor So Steven's mate Lillianna is the tracker following the intruder | wonder if Descon POST COMMENT Melissa D realizes that a she-wolf will be tracking him. | have got to quit assuming that said...

I'm thinking his dad might want the power of control by using Ann as a cawn VIEW ALL 6 COMMENTS 57 << SHARE Stronger