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Seduced by My Childhood Sweetheart’s Brother

Chapter 357
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Chapter 357 | exited the apartment building, distraught. It was a sunny day, with the rays illuminating the whole world. Yet, | did not feel warm.

Perhaps after the accident, my life would never be sunny and warm anymore.

1 did have a bad feeling back then, and | hated my hunch. When | wanted it to work, it never did. When I didn’t want it to work, it always worked.

| dragged myself back to campus and back to my apartment. As soon as | was in my room, | flopped on the mattress, allowing the darkness to consme.

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| slept for a very long time. Were it not for Queenie’s call, | would still be in my slumber until tomorrow morning or even later than that while dreaming of something eerie.

If only | could sleep forever. That way, | wouldn't have to face the dilemma.

“Luna, were you crying?” Queenie asked apprehensively when she saw me.

She was my good friend, alright. Despite the distance, she could tell something was aboutright away.

“I was.” | sniffled. A listener would dogood when | felt helpless and lost.

“Hey, there, there now. Tellwhat happened. | might not be able to help you physically, but | can listen.” Queenie sounded quite upset too, but she still offered to help. | felt a bit better.

Flynn and she had been dating on and off for the past few years. It must have worn her down too. She used to be so easygoing, but love had exhausted her. | could feel her pain and despair in the past few calls we had. | was worried that she might not be able to hang in for any longer.

When we were at Lincoln University, Julie and | often I company as she drowned her sorrows away. Now that we were apart, | couldn't be there for her. She had kalendure the tough days herself.

We all had our own battles.

When we had our last meal together, the three of us hugged and swore that wherever we were and whatever happened, we'd be there for each other.

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The frustration she felt must be unbearable, which was why she decided to call. She wanted +15 BONUS to rant to me. But when she heard how upset | was, she forgot about her own woes and tried to cheerup.

This must be what a real friendship was like.

| relayed to her what had happened. She was devastated by the whole thing too.

“Luna, you're the prettiest among us. And you're the one who's pampered the most. Julia and | thought you'd end up in a perfect relationship. Who would have known that this would happen to you?” “Queenie, | don’t know which option comes with the least damage. | can’t let go of Colin, but | can’t just leave Felix high and dry either. I'm in a dilemma.” “I know. I'd be stumped too if this happened to me. But just so you know, Lulu, before you make any decision, make sure you won't regret it. Because there's no second chance for certain things. If you miss the right one, you won't find him again.

“So think it through. Moral conscience is important, but it’s not necessary.” Yes, moral conscience wasn’t necessary, but it was a principle to follow.

My mind was a mess. | couldn't process the whole thing. | didn’t want to make a hasty decision, so | decided to talk to my parents. They had lived longer than | had, so they should be able to givethe best advice based on their experiences.

“Enough about me, Queenie. How are Flynn and you doing lately?” Silence ensued. Then, Queenie forced a wry smile. “Sold.” “Sold as in what? Is his childhood friend still a nuisance?”