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Rejected Slave To The Alpha by Gory Anna

Chapter 41
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Chapter 41

Chapter 41.

Nelly’s POV.


spun around, my heart racing as | cface to face with Alpha Kex. His eyes burned with a fury | had never

seen before, and my stomach churned with fear.

He took a step towards Aisha, and | rushed to stand in front of her, blocking his path.

“Nelly, get out of my way,” he growled through gritted teeth. | stood my ground, my body trembling.

“No, Alpha,” | said, my voice surprisingly steady. “I won't let you harm her.”

A flash of hurt flickered across his face, and | couldn’t help but wonder if it was because | had called him Alpha or

because | was standing between him and Aisha. Either way, | wasn’t about to move.

“Nelly, I don’t mean to hurt you,” he said, his voice tense. “Please, just leave my way.”

But | didn’t budge. | wasn’t about to let him harm Aisha. | would do anything to protect. her.

“I won't let you hurt her,” | said, my voice trembling with conviction..

“Take a look at Emily's face!” he yelled, his words like a slap to the face. “Did you notice

what she did to her?”

I didn’t respond, my thoughts racing. “I don’t give a damn,” | finally said, my tone resolute. “Emily must have

pushed her first.”

He let out a bitter laugh, his eyes cold. “Oh, sparethat crap,” he said, his voice dripping with disgust. “You

know as well as | do that Aisha is capable of violence.”

“Aisha only goes physical when you push her to the wall,” | said, my voice firm. “Ask your darling Emily what she


Alpha Kex snorted. “I don’t need to ask anyone anything,” he said, his eyes narrowed. “I know what happened.”

| took a step backwards, trying to put sdistance between us. “Where's Harry?” | asked Aisha, my voice soft

She hesitated, her eyes downcast. “He’s not around,” she said, her voice barely a whisper.

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“Fuck!” | cursed under my breath, my mind racing.

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Chapter 41


| was still processing what had just happened when Alpha Kex pushedaway, sendingtumbling to the

ground. | looked up at him, fear gripping my heart as he roughly pulled Aisha by the arm..

“Please, don't hurt her,” | cried out, my voice raw with emotion.

But Alpha Kex didn’t even glance in my direction. He just kept walking, dragging Aisha along with him. |

struggled to my feet, every muscle in my body shaking with adrenaline. | had to do something, anything, to stop


A hand reached down to helpup, and | looked up to see Emily, a smirk on her lips. Without thinking, | let out

a loud hiss and slapped her hand away.

| wiped my hands on my clothes, trying to rid myself of her touch. Ignoring her, | stood up, my body still

trembling with fear and anger. | glanced over at Alpha Kex, who was dragging Aisha away, his back to me. | had

to do something, anything, to stop him.

| started to run after Alpha Kex, my heart pounding in my chest. The only sound was my feet pounding against

the ground, and the faint laughter of Emily behind me. | tried to ignore her, focusing all my energy on reaching

Alpha Kex.

“Let's talk, Alpha Kex,” 1 pleaded, my voice strained. “Please, let her go.”

But my words only seemed to anger him, and | watched in horror as his grip on Aisha’s hair tightened. |

quickened my pace, desperation drivingforward.

“It is the duty of an Alpha to keep his promises,” | yelled, trying to make over the distance between us.

my voice


Alpha Kex stopped in his tracks, turning to face me. “What do you mean?” he asked, his tone dangerous.

| took a deep breath, trying to steady my nerves. “An Alpha who defiles his promises is nothing but a weakling.” |

said, my voice shaking. He stepped towards me, his eyes blazing with fury.

“You dare callweak?” he snarled. | swallowed hard, my heart in my throat.

“You becweak when you fail to fulfill your promises,” | said, meeting his gaze.

He looked confused. “What promise?” he asked, his brow furrowed.

“The day you tookto the storehouse,” | said, my voice barely above a whisper. “When you askedto hit

you, and | refused. You said | could ask you for anything | wanted, and you would grant it.”

He stared atfor a long moment, his expression unreadable. “And now you are askingto let Aisha go?” he

asked, his voice cold.



Chapter 41

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“Yes, my Alpha,” | said, bowing low in deference. Alpha Kex's eyes narrowed, his jaw clenched tight.

“Do not callthat,” he said, his voice like ice. “I am not your Alpha.”

| straightened, my heart racing. “You may not be my Alpha.” | said, my voice unwavering, “but you are the Alpha

of this pack. You must fulfill your promises.

He looked at me, his eyes searching for mine. | held his gaze, determined not to back down. In the distance, |

could hear Emily’s whimpers.

“You are the Alpha, Kex,” Emily said, her voice quivering. “Don’t fall for her craps. You know she’s just trying to

manipulate you.”

Alpha Kex was silent, his eyes moving from mine to Emily’s, his expression

unreadable. | could see the wheels turning in his head, and | knew he was weighing his options. Would he side

with Emily, or with me? My heart was pounding in my chest. my palms sweating.

| watched as Alpha Kex released Aisha, letting her fall to the floor. He didn’t spare her a second glance, his eyes

fixed on me. A chill ran down my spine as he stared at me, his expression cold and hard. And then, without a

word, he turned and walked away, Emily scurrying after him like a rat.

| ran to Aisha’s side, wrapping my arms around her. She was trembling, tears streaming down her face. “It's

okay,” | whispered, holding her close. “It's over now.”

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| helped Aisha to her feet, my arm around her waist as she leaned onfor support. Together, we made our

way to her room, each step feeling like a mile. | gently helped her onto the bed, then fetched her a glass of water

from the nightstand.

“You should have asked for something better,” she said, her voice shaking. “You could have asked for anything,

and you chose me?”

| smiled, a warm feeling in my chest. “I chose you because you are the most important thing in the world to me,”

| said, holding her hand.

The door flew open with a bang, and Harry stood in the doorway, his eyes wide with worry. He ran to Aisha’s

side, kneeling beside the bed. | stood back, my heart racing, as he took her in his arms.

“I heard what happened,” he said, his voice thick with emotion. “Are you okay?”

Aisha nodded, her eyes brimming with tears. “I'm okay, thanks to her,” she said, nodding towards me. | smiled, a

lump forming in my throat.

Harry got to his feet, his gaze turning to me. “Thank you, for helping her,” he said, his

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Chapter 41

voice sincere.

“It's no trouble,” | replied, my heart-warming at his gratitude.


He turned back to Aisha, his attention fully on her. | wanted to ask her if she had accepted his feelings, but |

stopped myself. This was their moment, and | would rather not spoil it. Instead, | stood back, allowing them to

have the privacy they needed.

| opened the door, ready to leave the room. But then, | felt someone collide with me. | stumbled back, my heart

leaping into my throat.

| looked up, my gaze meeting a pair of eyes that burned with fury. My breath caught in my throat, and | could

feel my heart pounding in my chest. | knew those eyes. - | knew that face- and | knew what was coming next.

But | wasn’t ready for it.