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Mated to the Alpha and His Beta

Chapter 26
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Chapter 26


The feeling was…hard to describe.

But something had definitely shifted,

I’d felt protective of her before, but now that we’d exchanged claiming intes, I felt even more protective

of her than before.

Her mouth was suctioned on my neck, and I felt her pulls as she sucked. Suddenly, I didn’t need to

work to keep my co ck hard. I gripped her hips and ground into her, my seed spilling inside of her

before I even realized what was happening.

And then she was straddling Xander, her fangs sinking into his neck. The moment he experienced the

same thing as me, I

felt it radiate into me.

I watched them f uck, watched how beautiful they were together, watched as he spilled inside her mere

seconds after her

biting him.

aura shifting from the s hitshow it’d been just moments before.

Calm settled over the room, the aura

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This felt right.

Thank f uck for that loophole.

Exhaustion overtook the three of us, and Xander pulled a blanket over us as we settled into sleep.


“What am I supposed to do? Just stay here in my rooms until they decide what to do with me?” I paced

back and forth across the living room, hands on my hips, scowling. “I’m not their prisoner. And why do

they even want me here?”

Maxim and Monroe shared a glance and then looked back to me. I raised an eyebrow.

There was definitely something they weren’t sharing with me.

“Well?” I pressed. “They’ve already rejected me. Can’t I just go live my life?”

“They haven’t- Maxim started.

A cutting glare from Monroe cut him off.

they will

“Right now, our instructions are to make sure you stay in your quarters. Once the Alpha and Beta are

available, they will

come address you,”

I snorted. “You mean once they’re done f ucking and claiming their precious Alice. Got it.”

I flopped down onto the couch, my arms crossed over my chest, wishing I could just sink into it and into

some other dimension, some other world where my life wasn’t ruled by all this Council and mating and

claiming b ulls hit.

“Are you sure you don’t want to put something else on?” Lanie asked from where she sat at my kitchen

table, drinking a cup of tea. Apparently, my kitchen was stocked with all sorts of things now, and it

made me wonder just how long they planned on keeping me cooped up in here.

I looked down at my Star Wars

alpinia pants and white tank top, shrugging. “Nah, I’m good.”


Lanie nodded but didn’t say anything more.

Whatever unspoken thing had happened since Maxim and Monroe arrived on the scene had her being

a bit more….. stand-offish? Composed? I couldn’t put my finger on it, but her demeanor had definitely

shifted, and I wondered if she’d made some deal with them to be able to at least stay around me but

not appear to be too chummy with me.

If Monroe and Maxim tried to keep her away from me, tried to tell her she couldn’t be around me or be

seen with me, they’d have one hell of a fight on their hands.

Mindy was loyal to a fault, and no matter what happened, there was no way she’d ditch me just

because my vagina didn’t measure up to Alice’s cavern of perfection.

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Maxim (or was it Monroe? They both looked so alike. I had trouble telling them apart) raised a hand to

his ear and nodded,

then said, “Yes, Alpha.”

“I’m assuming that was about me?” I asked, pursing my lips together.

“The Alpha and Beta will see you now.”

“So they’re on their way to my cage? Shall I get some tea and crumpets ready for them? Wouldn’t want

to be, ya know,


“They’ve requested that you meet them in the throne room.”

I laughed, unable to hold it in. That had to be a joke.

Maxim and Monroe stared at me, clearly waiting for me to get up off the couch.

“Oh, boys, that’s not happening.” I recrossed my arms over my chest and propped my feet up on the

coffee table in front of the couch. “If they think I’m going to be subjected to more of that bu lls hit like

this morning, they’ve got another think coming.”

Their jaws twitched in unison and they took a step toward me, as if they were preparing to physically

pick me up and take

me to the throne room.

“I’m not moving from this couch. At this point, I’d welcome them banishing me.”
