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Married To My Ex-Husband’s Rival by Jobet GraySon

Chapter 11
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Chapter Eleven

Amber's POV

| walked away as fast as | could from where Kayden and Marlene were, wanting to get away from ther while

hoping that Marlene wouldn't act like a crazy woman again and try to follow me. Thankfully, | didn’t feel any

presence behindor hear Marlene’s incredibly annoying voice try to yell atfrom behind.

The moment | turned around and realized that they were no longer where | could see them or vice versa, the

tears that | had been struggling to hold back finally trickled down my face, but | was quick to wipe them off.

| really hated the fact that | was crying over them, even when | knew that you didn’t deserve my tears. But the

confrontation | just had with Marlene maderealize that | had been so blind to how much

hatred she harbored towards me, and now that she was finally showing that she has never likedas much as |

thought she did in the past, it hurts my feelings a lot more than I would like to admit.

When the tears didn’t stop pouring down from my eyes like crazy, | started to get extremely self-conscious

because the last thing | wanted was for people around to askquestions or stare in

direction and think | was scrazy, sad, and lonely woman.


I mean, | was definitely crazy, sad, and lonely, but | didn’t want the whole world to know how

pathetic | was.

“Amber?” | heard someone call out my nfrom behind me, and at first, it didn’t dawn onwho the

voice belonged to, but after hearing him call out my nfor the second time, the voice clicked, and

| immediately knew who it was that was calling me.

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It was Richard's voice.

I quickly wiped my face, not wanting to look even more pathetic in front of a man like Richard. After wiping as

quickly as possible, | looked at him.

“Richard? What are you doing here in this neighborhood?” | asked, and he frowned.

He parked his car properly before stepping out with a rather worried look. “Were you crying?” he questioned, his

expression tur


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Chapter Eleven


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He looked behind me, and | could see the genuine confusion he had on his face. “Before | got to you | happened

to see those two morons, Amber. So tell me, are you crying because of them?” he asked, anc because of how

serious his tone and his expression were, | almost burst out laughing.

| immediately knew that he was talking about Kayden and Marlene, and the way he had just called them morons

with such a straight face madealmost forget that they had putin a bad mood earlier.

“I ran into them earlier, and as you could already guess, they tried to get under my skin, and | allowed them to.

It’s just so frustrating that after all this time, they still have so much power over me, to the point where I find

myself in tears just by looking at them. It makesso angry, and it makesfeel so weak and helpless to the

point where | hate myself for it,” | ranted, pouring out my anger at him, despite the fact that I still barely knew


He moved closer toand sighed a little. Usually, | would have expected him to have a pitiful expression on his

face, but surprisingly, there was no pity in his eyes.

The only thing | could see in his eyes was genuine anger and hurt, and without saying a word, he simply pulled

“It's going to be alright, Amber. Don’t let those horrible people get under your skin. Let them think they've won

for now, but keep in mind that eventually you'll have the last laugh,” he whispered gently, almost as if he were

making a subtle promise.

“Let's get married, Richard. Let's get it over with as soon as possible so | can get even with those

bastards and stop feeling so angry and frustrated,” | said, and his eyes widened slightly.

| knew that | would have most likely surprised him with how suddenly I said what | said, but after

what | experienced tonight, | no longer had any virtue of patience left in me.

| had previously thought that marrying Richard would simply elevate my status and make my revenge

easier, but now | wanted to marry him so that | could brag to those bastards, including my family, that | was

capable of getting a better man than Kayden.

| knew it sounded pathetic, but | was already at my lowest point, so to me, there was nothing holding

The fact that marrying Richard would puton that social ladder that would put my sister to shame

madefeel even more determined, and | couldn't wait to see the look on her face when every persor

who abandonedand took her side slowly detaches from her and tries to pet hark in my good hool


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Chapter Eleven

Up to 30% off who abandonedand took her side slowly detaches from her and tries to get back in my good


“Can we hasten the wedding?” | asked, waiting for him to respond to my ridiculous request.

“Are you sure you're not deciding this just based on your emotions? You're feeling quite emotional right now, so |

don’t think it’s a perfect tfor us to have this conversation. Why don’t you calm down, think carefully, and

let's talk about this tomorrow when you're less emotional?” He asked, a my brows raised slightly.

| had expected him to immediately agree since he seemed like the kind of guy who didn’t exactly if he was

taking advantage of a person’s worst. | was a little surprised that he didn’t jump at the offer, but I don’t know if

my surprise was gratitude or anger.

“...” | wanted to say something, but | immediately kept quiet as | was reminded that | didn’t really know this

man, and just like Kayden had managed to foolfor years, Richard could also be doing the sthing just to

getto trust him.

“It's not your business to care about me, Richard. You were the one that offered the proposition,

right? And I'm telling you right now that we should get married, and after the wedding, I can just

figure out the rules as days go by, and you can add yours too. If you decide to not go with any of my rules, you

and | can just get a divorce, and you'll find sother scornful woman to be a part of your Kayden Black hate

club,” | retorted, my words coming off a little stronger than | intended, but

1 didn’t mind at all.

FM, 23