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Loving You In Secret

Chapter 1747
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Chapter 1747

Just then, a dish that Vicky usually enjoyed was brought to the table by the waiter.

The aroma filled the air, but Vicky paled instantly. Before anyone could react, she retched and rushed to the


Everyone exchanged puzzled glances.

Cece blinked. "What's wrong with Vicky?"

Jennifer furrowed her brow. "Vicky doesn't look well. Is she ill?"

The concerned Aurora chimed in, "Ever since Tyler's disappearance, Vicky hasn't been in the best mood. She even

suffered from postpartum depression. Let's take her to the hospital after dinner. We can't afford for her to fall ill


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Everyone assumed that something was physically wrong with Vicky, but Noah, who remained silent, spoke up.

"I remember when Vicky was pregnant last time... She seemed to be very sensitive to certain smells."

All eyes turned to Noah.

Jennifer's eyes widened. "What are you trying to say, Noah?! You don't mean to suggest that...Vicky might be

pregnant, do you?"

Under the curious gazes of everyone, Noah cleared his throat and explained, "Vicky usually dislikes sour foods. Just

now, she not only drank a lot of lemon water but also ate a considerable amount of sour plums."

Sure enough, when they looked at Vicky's table, they saw almost-empty glasses of lemon water and discarded sour

plum pits. These were all items that Aurora, who had a fondness for sour things, had ordered but had yet to eat as

she had been engrossed in sharing recent anecdotes.

Everyone exchanged glances until Vicky returned from the bathroom, her face pale.

Vicky was startled by the unusual looks they gave her. "Why are you all looking at me like this?"

Jennifer hesitated for a moment before asking, "Vicky, have you...started dating someone recently?"

Vicky had not even considered the possibility of being pregnant, so she naturally denied it. "No. Why do you ask?"

"Nothing..." Jennifer muttered.

"It's just...you seem pale. Why don't you go to the hospital later?"

Lufian was merely one year old and needed his mother, so Vicky could not afford to fall sick.

Vicky understood what Aurora meant. Upon remembering how tired she felt lately, she nodded.

After the meal, everyone went to the hospital with Vicky.

The doctor checked on Vicky briefly and smiled." Congratulations, Ms. Shaw. You are four weeks pregnant."

Vicky was stunned and muttered, "W-What did you say?"

The doctor assumed that Vicky was overwhelmed by joy and repeated, "Ms. Shaw, you are pregnant. The fetus is in

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good health!"

Dazedly, Vicky said, "I didn't sleep with anyone, so how can I be pregnant? Doctor, can this be a mistake? Maybe

you have the wrong report."

The doctor glanced at the medical report and said, "That can't be. If you don't believe this to be true, we can run

another test on you."

Vicky would rather be told that she was terminally ill than to hear that she was pregnant once again.

She had another test done, but the result was the same.

She fell into utter shock.

"Vicky, can it be that you got drunk and forgot that you had relations with another man?" Jennifer asked.

"... No." Vicky remained expressionless. "I haven't drunk, and I return home on time every day."

Suddenly, she paled upon remembering herdreams.

'Can it be that those weren't just dreams but...something real?!' she thought.