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I became the Purchased Wife Of The Lycan Prince by Light

Chapter 131
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Chapter 131

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Henry asked Hope to stop, thus not letting her finish the words. “You should not accusefor something you

have never witnessed,” he stated. He wanted to make sure that Hope would not doubt him anymore. Also, he

didn’t believe in her warnings. He knew Olivia more than her and even Logan. That was why Olivia chose him in

the end.

“I never accused you, Henry,” Hope stated. “You saved Logan's life and | want to save yours from Olivia. Do you

want to know what happened the night Logan and | were attacked?” The elevator opened up and more people

walked in.

Hope grasped Henry's hand and dragged him out of the elevator. She found an isolated place, which was the

huge balcony area on that floor to talk with Henry.

“Hope, let go of my hand!” Henry pulled his hand away forcefully, running his fingers through his hair. “Let's not

argue, Hope. It’s been a rough day. I'll pretend | didn’t hear what you said earlier,” he stated, turning to leave.

“Henry, don’t you want the moonstone?” Hope blurted out, causing Henry to freeze in his tracks. As soon as the

words left her mouth, Hope realized that Olivia had told Henry about it. She was now sure that Olivia was after

the moonstone and she told the sto Henry too.

“Did Olivia confess to attackingand Logan?” Hope inquired, her tone tinged with suspicion.

Henry furrowed his brow, casting a bewildered look at her in response.

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“Henry, today’s attack on Logan showed that you care for this brotherhood, which never was visible to anyone..

Don't let it get ruined because of Olivia. She wants to kill Logan. That night, Daniel attacked us because Olivia

met him. In the morning, Roaxana attackedbecause Olivia was behind that. She is a sorceress, who has

returned to destroy us,” Hope stated.

Initially, she didn’t wish to share all this with Henry. However, he deserved to be saved and happy. She was not

her enemy anymore.

“Henry, | know if Olivia had told you all this, you would have stopped her. You would never want us to die that

way. That night | was almost dead thanks to Olivia. | don’t know what she has told you but you need to think of

your own better future,” Hope proclaimed.

Henry was stunned to learn all that. Olivia had not discussed with her all this. And what was a sorceress? Was it


Emergency calls only

Chapter 131

related to a witch? No, Olivia couldn't hide all this from him.

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However, what he couldn't tell Hope that he also wanted Logan to be dead. Because he wished to be the next

chairman and the next Lycan Prince. He suddenly felt a pang of guilt for thinking that when a few hours ago, he

himself went to save Logan. Even today, William was so proud of him. He never saw that praiseworthy gaze in

his grandfather's eyes for him ever before.

“I won't ask you why you joined hands with Olivia, but you need to understand that we are your family. | don’t

know either why Logan and you couldn't be good brothers to each other. However, | can tell one thing for sure is

that you don’t wish Logan to be harmed. What you did today was incredible. That's why Henry | want you not to

trust Olivia or even go near her,” Hope stated, showing her concern.

“Why didn’t you and Logan tell this to the family then? How do | believe that you are speaking the truth? Olivia

was around us for a long time,” Henry wanted to prove Hope that she wasn’t lying to him.

Hope took out the locket from inside her top and showed it to him. “I have the moonstone,” Hope replied. “I died

the night Daniel attacked Logan andon Olivia's instructions. She wiped his memories then. The Moon

Goddess blessedwith the second life and thus moonstone,” she pronounced.

Henry's eyes widened to see the moonstone when it shone bright yellow. He squeezed his eyes to prevent

himself from its glare when Hope hid it back inside her top.

“Henry, let's not fight as a family. We need to find the truth why Olivia lied all these years to everyone? Why did

she attack Logan andthat night? Why did she use Roaxana to harm me?” Hope suggested to her.

Henry was too puzzled because Olivia told him she loved him. However, he was stunned to find out her truth. “If

all this is true, then | will confirm what she is!” Henry proclaimed.

“Do you know where she is?” Hope asked.

“No. She didn’t tell me,” Henry stated.

“Why did you trust her and not tell Logan about her as soon as you found out?” Now, Hope was getting close to

seek the answers from him.

“I hated Logan all this time. He got the best while | got nothing. Olivia was my love too, but Logan got her,”

Henry ended up opening up in front of Hope.

“That's not true, Henry. Logan never got to grow up normally after his parents died. Their sudden passing was a

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Chapter 131



trauma for him. Olivia added that trauma by planning her own death and putting Logan into hell,” Hope stated

as she expressed her emotions through her voice.

“You two are here!” Ryan suddenly cthere, thus interrupting their conversation. The two of them turned

quiet and Ryan asked them if everything was fine.

“Yeah. Did Paul and Clifton come? Are they with Logan?” Hope asked him.

“No. A nurse is there. Logan askedto look for you both. That's why | kept searching for you two. Did you

order food?” Ryan inquired Henry.

“Not now,” Henry refused and glanced at Hope. She didn’t wish to tell about Olivia and him to anyone.

“Then, let's go back. I'll order the dinner for all of us,” Ryan stated.

Hope nodded and went ahead first, followed by those two.




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