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I Love You, Miss Genius

Chapter 748
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"Most likely fake." Floyd was taken aback. He quickly asked, "Mr. Ivor, how did you figure that out?" "Intuition." Ivor looked at Felecia with a pensive expression.

He had long suspected the authenticity of this Finley. Now, he was even more convinced of his speculation through observation. After all, Felecia acted immaturely in every way, lacking the demeanor of a master, let alone Finley's international stature.

"Intuition?" Floyd wore a big question mark on his face.

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"Yeah," Ivor responded lightly.

Just as he finished speaking, excited voices suddenly cfrom beside Percy.

"T-The person outside, she's the real Finley! Quickly, go and invite her in!" As soon as these words were spoken, the scene erupted into chaos.

Shane was stunned. He looked at Percy and asked, "Mr. Percy, the one I found is the real Finley, right? Why do you say the person outside is the real one? Did something go wrong?" Percy didn't explain much. Instead, he handed the stack of manuscripts to Shane.

"Mr. Shane, take a look for yourself. After you see it, you'll understand." He then turned to the executive beside him and ordered, "What aret you still standing around for? Hurry up and go invite Finley in!" SW "Yes, yes, I'll go right away." The executive quickly hurried out.

Shane lowered his head and carefully examined the stack of manuscripts Percy handed him Afte finishing, he compared it with Felecia's earlier designs. S

Only after comparing them did he realize the stark differences. The latest manuscript had its own distinct style, showing exceptionally profound design's skills. On the other hand, Felecia's work merely imitated the general outline, with completely different details and design styles. sah th FindNI.n't website on Gøøgle to access chapters of early and in the highest quality. The truth of who was real and who was fake becapparent at a glance.

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No wonder the person outside was so confident earlier. It turned out that she was fully confident in her abilities. Just as Shane thought this, the executive led the real Finley inside.

Finley was dressed in black, wrapped tightly from head to toe, with only a pair of eyes visible. Upon seeing this scene, everyone sighed. This was what a true master looked like.

As for Felecia, she was nothing but a pretender.