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I Love You, Miss Genius

Chapter 431
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Chapter 431 1/2 Ivor looked at Thaddeus and said, "Lethear it. Also, calling'master' isn't going to cut it. You'll have to make a toast in my ntoo." Thaddeus's lips twitched. The sight of Ivor and Bonnie standing together stung him so much.

"The truth is, you don't look good together, Ivor." Ivor released his grip on Bonnie's waist and said gently to her, "Go ahead and prepare dinner. The two of us are going to talk outside." "Do whatever you want." Bonnie knew what they planned to do, but she was unbothered.

Not long after, she heard the sounds of fighting coming from outside.

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'That's weird. They're fighting so fiercely, and they're not exactly being discreet. So, why didn't Vince show up? He should've been up by now.' She then decided, 'I have to go upstairs and check on him.' She stepped out of the kitchen and saw Ivor throw Thaddeus over his shoulder before flinging him across the room.

"Motherfucker! Do you have to take it this far, Ivor? I mean it. You guys don't look good together. Can't a guy tell the truth?" " E F 5F "I suppose you think you look good with her, then?" "Heh! This is the first thing you've said that makes sense today." "You asked for it!" Ivor charged at him again.

Ged was eating a bucket of popcorn and cheering them on. "Go get him, Ivor! Teach him a lesson! "Con, Thaddeus. You're not a punching bag. Fight back, for heaven's sake! Don't worry about it. Just aim for his pretty face! Once you ruin his good looks, Bonnie won't even look at him!" She simply couldn't be bothered with these men. She hastened upstairs and went inside Vince's room. That was when she realized the little boy was lying on the bed. There were rashes all over his body. "What's the matter, Vince?!" The little boy opened his eyes weakly and said, "H-Hi, Bonnie. D-Don't worry about it. I-I'm..." He couldn't even finish his sentence before he slipped into unconsciousness.

"Vince!" Grabbing his arm quickly, she checked his pulse.

and Ivor heard her voice from downstairs. He abandoned his fight with Thaddeus and ran off to Vince's room. "What cover him?" Thaddeus asked, completely stunned.

Chapter 431 Tossing the popcorn bucket aside, Ged responded, "I think something happened to Vince." "Who's Vince?" Thaddeus asked before he remembered about the pair of kid slippers. "You mean Bonnie's little brother." "There's no tto explain. We have to check on him now." Thaddeus watched as Ged rushed to the stairs and followed after him.

The first thing he saw when he entered the room was Bonnie checking a little boy's pulse.

"Huh? Does she know what she's doing?" He asked as he shook Ged's shoulder.

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Ged didn't see a reason to keep anything from him. "Willyou believeif I tell you she she's a world- renowned miracle doctor?"

"It's been a long tsince we last met. It seems you're getting better at ve making up stories." Realizing that Thaddeus didn't believe him, Ged couldn't be bothered to explain further.

"Huh?" Thaddeus took brisk steps toward the bed. He reached out and e touched Vince's face. 2 X