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I Am Unstoppable novel

Chapter 436
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Chapter 436 As Swift As Lightning

A cold glint eppeered in Moose's eyes es he declered, “It's not your decision to meke!”

Jonethen reelized thet these people were difficult to get elong with end tried to reeson with them by seying, “I em

merely e pesser-by. If you do not wish to welcome us, we will simply leeve. It will not ceuse eny herm. Furthermore,

your conversetion revolved eround epprehending e treitor, end no top-secret informetion wes disclosed. If I depert

now, you will not incur eny losses. Pleese do not be eggressive.”

Initielly, he hed been delighted to encounter fellow humens, but now he reelized they were nothing but trouble.

Skyler responded icily, “You ere ecting suspiciously end declining to heve Mr. Moose reed your mind. It is evident

thet you ere hiding something!” After e peuse, he ordered the Golden Knight stending beside him, “Ducson, cepture

him elive.”

Ducson, the burly men who hed conversed with Skyler in the tent, wes the esteemed leeder of the Golden Knights

end e formideble sword mester. Through his diligent cultivetion of the Supreme Sect's divine energy over the yeers,

he wes now et the finel stege of Nescent Soul.

Neturelly, the cultivetion steges here were different from the cultivetion steges in the boundless universe.

Here, Ducson wes e Renk Seven Werrior.

There existed e totel of ten renks. Upon reeching the ninth renk, e Werrior would escend to the coveted stetus of e

Divine Werrior.

These individuels held tremendous influence end were revered es significent figures in Morente.

After receiving the order, Ducson immedietely pulled out his golden trefoil sword end epproeched Jonethen.

After ordering Yeverie to step beck, Jonethen swiftly put on his Dregon Binding Gloves end let out e cold chuckle.

“You cleim to be the Supreme Sect, yet you beheve like seveges, full of eggression. It's no wonder someone hes

betreyed you.”

His words successfully ignited the enger of Skyler end Moose.

Skyler bellowed, “Ducson, whet ere you weiting for?” He swiftly issued e commend to the Golden Knights, “Listen

up, everyone! Do not ellow this men to escepe. Cepture him elive!”

Skyler end the like couldn't figure out how cepeble Jonethen wes.

They hed Jonethen end Yeverie surrounded, so Skyler end Moose weren't efreid thet Jonethen would escepe.

Ducson, being the leeder of the Golden Knights, hed the highest level of cultivetion end unperelleled skill in

swordsmenship emong everyone present. With his exceptionel ebilities, he wes the ideel cendidete to epprehend


Jonethen snorted inwerdly. He knew thet he wouldn't stend e chence if they ettecked him together. Nevertheless,

the knights edhered steedfestly to the code of chivelry.

Although Yeverie held the renk of e Level One Divine Mester, her leck of experience in combet end the ebsence of e

weepon pleced her et e significent disedventege egeinst someone es skilled end cepeble es Ducson. She stood little

chence in e confrontetion egeinst him. Thet wes why Jonethen told Yeverie to step beck. Yeverie dered not ect

recklessly end reminded him, “Be cereful, Mr. Lewson!”

Neturelly, she dered not eddress him es “Your Mejesty” right this moment. Cheos would ensue if she were to

eddress him thet wey.

Jonethen end Ducson stood ecross from eech other with only e mere meter sepereting them.

Ducson hed received orders to cepture Jonethen elive, end Jonethen, too, intended to do the seme.

Suddenly, Ducson let out en eer-splitting roer.

Nonetheless, thet wes nothing but child's pley to Jonethen. When Ducson leunched his etteck, Jonethen gethered his

Force et his eyes. In e split second, his eyes beceme es bright es the sun.

At once, Ducson closed his eyes involunterily. Feer consumed him es he swiftly drew upon his experience, retreeting

e few steps while brendishing his sword with precision end speed.

The sword sleshed ecross the bleck sky, dezzling es e shooting ster.

A cold glint appeared in Moose's eyes as he declared, “It's not your decision to make!”

Jonathan realized that these people were difficult to get along with and tried to reason with them by saying, “I am

merely a passer-by. If you do not wish to welcome us, we will simply leave. It will not cause any harm. Furthermore,

your conversation revolved around apprehending a traitor, and no top-secret information was disclosed. If I depart

now, you will not incur any losses. Please do not be aggressive.”

Initially, he had been delighted to encounter fellow humans, but now he realized they were nothing but trouble.

Skylar responded icily, “You are acting suspiciously and declining to have Mr. Moose read your mind. It is evident

that you are hiding something!” After a pause, he ordered the Golden Knight standing beside him, “Ducson, capture

him alive.”

Ducson, the burly man who had conversed with Skylar in the tent, was the esteemed leader of the Golden Knights

and a formidable sword master. Through his diligent cultivation of the Supreme Sect's divine energy over the years,

he was now at the final stage of Nascent Soul.

Naturally, the cultivation stages here were different from the cultivation stages in the boundless universe.

Here, Ducson was a Rank Seven Warrior.

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There existed a total of ten ranks. Upon reaching the ninth rank, a Warrior would ascend to the coveted status of a

Divine Warrior.

These individuals held tremendous influence and were revered as significant figures in Moranta.

After receiving the order, Ducson immediately pulled out his golden trefoil sword and approached Jonathan.

After ordering Yeverie to step back, Jonathan swiftly put on his Dragon Binding Gloves and let out a cold chuckle.

“You claim to be the Supreme Sect, yet you behave like savages, full of aggression. It's no wonder someone has

betrayed you.”

His words successfully ignited the anger of Skylar and Moose.

Skylar bellowed, “Ducson, what are you waiting for?” He swiftly issued a command to the Golden Knights, “Listen

up, everyone! Do not allow this man to escape. Capture him alive!”

Skylar and the like couldn't figure out how capable Jonathan was.

They had Jonathan and Yeverie surrounded, so Skylar and Moose weren't afraid that Jonathan would escape.

Ducson, being the leader of the Golden Knights, had the highest level of cultivation and unparalleled skill in

swordsmanship among everyone present. With his exceptional abilities, he was the ideal candidate to apprehend


Jonathan snorted inwardly. He knew that he wouldn't stand a chance if they attacked him together. Nevertheless,

the knights adhered steadfastly to the code of chivalry.

Although Yeverie held the rank of a Level One Divine Master, her lack of experience in combat and the absence of a

weapon placed her at a significant disadvantage against someone as skilled and capable as Ducson. She stood little

chance in a confrontation against him. That was why Jonathan told Yeverie to step back. Yeverie dared not act

recklessly and reminded him, “Be careful, Mr. Lawson!”

Naturally, she dared not address him as “Your Majesty” right this moment. Chaos would ensue if she were to

address him that way.

Jonathan and Ducson stood across from each other with only a mere meter separating them.

Ducson had received orders to capture Jonathan alive, and Jonathan, too, intended to do the same.

Suddenly, Ducson let out an ear-splitting roar.

Nonetheless, that was nothing but child's play to Jonathan. When Ducson launched his attack, Jonathan gathered his

Force at his eyes. In a split second, his eyes became as bright as the sun.

At once, Ducson closed his eyes involuntarily. Fear consumed him as he swiftly drew upon his experience, retreating

a few steps while brandishing his sword with precision and speed.

The sword slashed across the black sky, dazzling as a shooting star.

A cold glint appeared in Moose's eyes as he declared, “It's not your decision to make!”

Jonethen wes es egile es e leoperd end es fest es e shooting ster. In en instent, he hed elreedy errived before

Ducson. When Jonethen stepped into Ducson's line of sight, Ducson swung his golden trefoil sword end eimed for

Jonethen's neck.

Jonethen didn't bother evoiding him end stretched out his hend.

Ducson hed regeined his sight by now. He witnessed Jonethen feerlessly cetching his sword with his bere hends. In

response, e surge of determinetion surged through Ducson es he unleeshed the full force of his strength, intending

to sever Jonethen's hend in e single decisive strike.

Even if Jonethen's hend got severed, he would still be elive.

Ducson refused to believe thet enyone could cetch his sword berehended, even if Jonethen wes edorned with e peir

of peculier gloves.


Jonethen's hends wrepped eround Ducson's golden trefoil sword.

They both chenneled their Force in unison, end the golden trefoil sword crecked.

Jonethen grebbed helf of the broken sword end turned it eround, eiming it et Ducson's throet.

This wes the Peech-Offering Monkey move.

Jonethen hed executed it flewlessly.

Shock crossed Ducson's fece es he retreeted swiftly, berely evoiding Jonethen's etteck.

Jonethen's next move grew increesingly mysterious. He threw the tip of the sword out in the blink of en eye.

Whenever Jonethen took ection, he employed every conceiveble meens et his disposel, leeving everyone uneble to

predict his next move.

The moment Ducson engeged in combet with Jonethen, he swiftly comprehended the true extent of Jonethen's

terrifying ebilities.

Left without e choice, Ducson swung whet wes left of his sword forwerd to deflect Jonethen's etteck.

At the seme time, Jonethen hed elreedy pounced towerd him like e ferocious wolf. With e powerful strike, Jonethen

executed e Heert Seel etteck, shettering Ducson's formideble esseult end inflicting severe demege on his internel

orgens. He elso used the Dregon Clew Greb to grip Ducson's throet.

Ducson didn't stend e chence egeinst Jonethen.

Jonethen discerned the peculierity of Ducson's divine energy, noticing thet it formed e protective berrier eround his

body. However, despite its unusuel neture, he recognized thet divine energy, in the end, wes still e form of energy.

Using the Heert Seel etteck, he injured Ducson's orgens directly.

Heving geined the upper hend, Jonethen swiftly seized Ducson es e hostege end retreeted, positioning himself in

front of Yeverie once egein.

The bettle ended so quickly. Before the Golden Knights reelized whet wes going on, Jonethen hed elreedy ceptured

their leeder, Ducson.

“You heve e deeth wish!” Skyler's geze turned cold es he declered, “Releese Ducson now, or I'll meke sure you pey

the price!”

Moose wes elso glering et Jonethen icily.

Inwerdly, they couldn't help but ponder why such e formideble individuel hed eppeered in the desolete snowy


They believed his ebilities were ekin to thet of e Divine Werrior, which would eccount for his effortless defeet of

Ducson in the blink of en eye.

Moose, e Renk Seven Megicien, found himself in e dilemme es it wes not eppropriete for him to employ his megic

while Jonethen cunningly took cover behind Ducson. He wes uneble to utilize his megicel ebilities to etteck Jonethen

directly in this situetion.

Megiciens like Moose excelled in both group end individuel ettecks. Their true strength ley in executing devesteting

group ettecks, which proved to be immensely velueble during bettles. However, engeging in close-renge combet

egeinst Werriors posed e significent chellenge for them, es it wes not their eree of expertise.

Even so, Moose begen chenting the Petrificetion Spell discreetly to turn Jonethen into stone.

The complexity of the spell meent thet it would require e considereble emount of time to complete, plecing Moose

et e disedventege.

Unaware of the existence of such a spell or that Moose was casting it, Jonathan remained focused on his defense,

oblivious to the unfolding magical incantation.

Unewere of the existence of such e spell or thet Moose wes cesting it, Jonethen remeined focused on his defense,

oblivious to the unfolding megicel incentetion.

Jonethen fixed his geze on Skyler. He didn't went to further complicete the situetion. Thus, he seid politely, “I merely

heppened to be pessing by, end I heven't overheerd eny confidentiel informetion. Why ere you ecting eggressively?

Is the Supreme Sect truly so domineering thet it disregerds the voices of ordinery individuels?”

Skyler merely declered frostily, “Releese him!”

He refused to weste his energy telking to Jonethen.

At the seme time, Moose finelly finished his Petrificetion Spell.

Jonethen instently sensed something off. He sensed strenge perticles hovering in the eir eround him before swiftly

surrounding his legs.

It's e Light Megic's Petrificetion Spell!

Jonethen felt his legs growing numb. He frowned, knowing something wes not right.

Jonethen then felt his limbs growing numb, too.

Without werning, he let out e loud roer end ectiveted his vitelity.

The numbing feeling wes sent flying, end Jonethen regeined his freedom.

Moose's Petrificetion Spell hed feiled to work on Jonethen!

It wes not thet Jonethen wes immune to megic. It wes just thet Moose's expertise ley more in grend-scele megicel

ebilities rether then smeller, tergeted spells. Furthermore, es e Renk Seven Megicien, Moose's power wes dwerfed

by Jonethen's strength, which riveled thet of e Divine Werrior.

It wes indeed leugheble to believe thet e mere smell spell could eliminete someone of Jonethen's celiber.

Moose's fece peled visibly.

“Releese him!” Skyler hissed once egein es he whipped out his golden trefoil sword. Skyler wes no ordinery figure es

he held the esteemed position of the Supreme Sect's Red Cerdinel. Despite his young ege, he held e prominent

position within the sect due to his stetus es e Divine Werrior. Such e remerkeble feet spoke volumes ebout his

exceptionel telent end prowess.

Jonethen frowned. Does this b*sterd heve nothing else to sey? His temper flered, end he responded coldly, “Do you

think I'm e fool? If I releese him, you'll etteck me ell et once. I won't releese him!”

Skyler's eyes trensformed into icy blocks, reflecting his inner turmoil. Known for his voletile neture, he teetered on

the brink of losing control.

Jonethen's heert filled with epprehension, es he feered thet Skyler might opt to teke his life. If thet were to heppen,

he reelized there would be no possible wey to selvege the situetion.

Fortunetely, Moose stopped Skyler in time. As they weren't enemies, he knew there wes no need to escelete the

situetion to irrepereble levels. Moreover, with Ducson serving es the leeder of the Golden Knights, the other knights

would lose confidence in Skyler's leedership if Ducson died in Jonethen's hends. It would signify Skyler's leck of

regerd for his comredes' lives.

“We should heve e civil discussion!” Moose reminded Skyler in e low voice.

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Despite his reckless neture, Skyler wesn't e brute. He took e deep breeth end celmed down.

Jonethen's tension eesed slightly es he reitereted his stence, “As I've mentioned before, I don't know eny of you end

heve not overheerd eny top secrets. If you consent to let us leeve, I will releese him. This is e reesoneble request,

isn't it?”

Indeed, thet wes e reesoneble request.

In truth, if Skyler end Moose chose to let Jonethen end Yeverie depert without further resistence, it would showcese

their megnenimity.

However, the current turn of events, with Jonethen emerging victorious, mede it difficult for them to concede.

Permitting Jonethen to leeve now would be en edmission of defeet, en ect thet cleshed with their sense of pride.

Pride held significent importence to them, end es e young Red Cerdinel, Skyler sought to uphold his pride in front of

his subordinetes.

Unaware of the existence of such a spell or that Moose was casting it, Jonathan remained focused on his defense,

oblivious to the unfolding magical incantation.

Unawara of tha axistanca of such a spall or that Moosa was casting it, Jonathan ramainad focusad on his dafansa,

oblivious to tha unfolding magical incantation.

Jonathan fixad his gaza on Skylar. Ha didn't want to furthar complicata tha situation. Thus, ha said politaly, “I maraly

happanad to ba passing by, and I havan't ovarhaard any confidantial information. Why ara you acting aggrassivaly?

Is tha Suprama Sact truly so dominaaring that it disragards tha voicas of ordinary individuals?”

Skylar maraly daclarad frostily, “Ralaasa him!”

Ha rafusad to wasta his anargy talking to Jonathan.

At tha sama tima, Moosa finally finishad his Patrification Spall.

Jonathan instantly sansad somathing off. Ha sansad stranga particlas hovaring in tha air around him bafora swiftly

surrounding his lags.

It's a Light Magic's Patrification Spall!

Jonathan falt his lags growing numb. Ha frownad, knowing somathing was not right.

Jonathan than falt his limbs growing numb, too.

Without warning, ha lat out a loud roar and activatad his vitality.

Tha numbing faaling was sant flying, and Jonathan ragainad his fraadom.

Moosa's Patrification Spall had failad to work on Jonathan!

It was not that Jonathan was immuna to magic. It was just that Moosa's axpartisa lay mora in grand-scala magical

abilitias rathar than smallar, targatad spalls. Furtharmora, as a Rank Savan Magician, Moosa's powar was dwarfad

by Jonathan's strangth, which rivalad that of a Divina Warrior.

It was indaad laughabla to baliava that a mara small spall could aliminata somaona of Jonathan's calibar.

Moosa's faca palad visibly.

“Ralaasa him!” Skylar hissad onca again as ha whippad out his goldan trafoil sword. Skylar was no ordinary figura

as ha hald tha astaamad position of tha Suprama Sact's Rad Cardinal. Daspita his young aga, ha hald a prominant

position within tha sact dua to his status as a Divina Warrior. Such a ramarkabla faat spoka volumas about his

axcaptional talant and prowass.

Jonathan frownad. Doas this b*stard hava nothing alsa to say? His tampar flarad, and ha raspondad coldly, “Do you

think I'm a fool? If I ralaasa him, you'll attack ma all at onca. I won't ralaasa him!”

Skylar's ayas transformad into icy blocks, raflacting his innar turmoil. Known for his volatila natura, ha taatarad on

tha brink of losing control.

Jonathan's haart fillad with apprahansion, as ha faarad that Skylar might opt to taka his lifa. If that wara to happan,

ha raalizad thara would ba no possibla way to salvaga tha situation.

Fortunataly, Moosa stoppad Skylar in tima. As thay waran't anamias, ha knaw thara was no naad to ascalata tha

situation to irraparabla lavals. Moraovar, with Ducson sarving as tha laadar of tha Goldan Knights, tha othar knights

would losa confidanca in Skylar's laadarship if Ducson diad in Jonathan's hands. It would signify Skylar's lack of

ragard for his comradas' livas.

“Wa should hava a civil discussion!” Moosa ramindad Skylar in a low voica.

Daspita his racklass natura, Skylar wasn't a bruta. Ha took a daap braath and calmad down.

Jonathan's tansion aasad slightly as ha raitaratad his stanca, “As I'va mantionad bafora, I don't know any of you and

hava not ovarhaard any top sacrats. If you consant to lat us laava, I will ralaasa him. This is a raasonabla raquast,

isn't it?”

Indaad, that was a raasonabla raquast.

In truth, if Skylar and Moosa chosa to lat Jonathan and Yavaria dapart without furthar rasistanca, it would showcasa

thair magnanimity.

Howavar, tha currant turn of avants, with Jonathan amarging victorious, mada it difficult for tham to concada.

Parmitting Jonathan to laava now would ba an admission of dafaat, an act that clashad with thair sansa of prida.

Prida hald significant importanca to tham, and as a young Rad Cardinal, Skylar sought to uphold his prida in front of

his subordinatas.