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Find Me In Your Labyrinth pdf

Chapter 2083
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Natalie trembled violently, feeling as if she was about to faint. “Who cup with this idea is irrelevant now.

What matters is that Ella doesn’t want to see any of you. Bennett and Simone made it clear in their announcement that Ella is their adopted daughter, and now even that’s a lie. What connection does she have with the Macclains anymore?” Jonathan's voice was cool and detached as he turned to Fabian. “Kick them out, and make sure the Macclains never set foot in the Lamont estate again!” “Yes, sir!” Fabian complied, signaling the servants and the security to escort the Macclain family away. “Estelle, I'm begging you!” Terrance pleaded as he was pushed out, choking back tears. “The Macclain legacy is generations old; it can’t crumble in my hands.

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Just leave the Macclain assets, and | swear they'll be yours in the future!” “Estelle, do you really wantto kneel before you?” Terrance actually started to kneel but was promptly lifted and removed by two security guards. Once the Macclains were gone, Catherine cover to link arms with Estelle. “We never should've let them in. It’s alright now, sweetheart.” Estelle’s face was expressionless. “It’s fine.” Jonathan tightened his grip on Estelle’s hand. “Let's go see Grandpa.” Estelle nodded. “Let's go.” As they left the Lamont estate, Henson watched Estelle’s retreating figure and frowned. “I think Estelle is still quite upset.” “There were no real feelings there, what's there to be upset about?” Norah dismissed. Henson replied, “Maybe not upset, but it's got to sting.” Catherine, with sympathy in her voice, said, “Blood ties can be inexplicable sometimes.” Norah added, “True, anyone would be rattled by something like this.” Henson rolled his eyes. “Jonathan said he was going to leave the Macclains a way out, but that must have been deliberate.” He knew Jonathan had no intention of showing mercy to the Macclains. Norah raised an eyebrow. “Why?” Henson glanced at her with disdain. “No wonder the guy you like doesn’t return your feelings!” Norah was at a loss for words. Catherine asked curiously, “What do you mean, Henson? Norah, are you in love?” “No!” Norah blurted out, flustered. “Henson's just trying to annoy me!” But the thought of Xavier made her heart race, and she quickly made an excuse to leave as well.

On the way to Old Mr. Quintin’s place, Estelle gazed at the thickening snow outside and murmured, “Jonathan, do you think if I had Books Chapters Are Daily Updated Join & Stay Updated for All Books Updates...

never returned to the Macclains, would they have ended up like this?” So many disasters seemed to start with her. Without her, Wolf, and others wouldn't have died. Without her, Simone wouldn't have twisted with hatred, and the Macclains might not have fallen so quickly. Or i x 5 without her, the Browns wouldn't have met their ruin. Was she the harbinger of misfortune? Jonathan's face shifted slightly, and he made her look at him, gazing deeply into her eyes. “Why would you think that?” The confusion in Estelle’s eyes vanished as quickly as it appeared. She lowered her gaze. “It’s just a thought.” When she returned to the Macclains, part of it was curiosity about her birth parents, and the other part was because of him. Even her yearning for family wasn’t pure. Jonathan pulled her into his arms, asking softly, “Are you upset about Simone’s downfall?” “No!” Estelle shook her head. jonathan soothed her, his voice a gentle whisper, “You're not the harbinger of misfortune; you've brought luck to many. The Macclains would have fallen with or without you—it was just a matter of time.

Once this is all over, I'll have someone acquire the Macclain company and donate it to Hans’ family in your name. Hans is a good kid; perhaps under his leadership, the Macclains will rise again and return to their former glory.”

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