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Falling for My Contractual Wife

Chapter 197
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Chapter 197 In the Adkins family’s place in Capern City, Ava received a call.

“Miss Adkins. | drugged her coffee, but they found out quickly. They were very vigilant d now they've escaped. | can’t find any trace of them anymore.” Ava looked at the red mark on her phone’s map and snorted. “What an idiot! | knew they had already escaped.

By the tyou went to look for them, it would be too late!” Ava sent out Grace's location. This time, | don’t care what method you use. You have to ensure that nothing goes wrong. Your previous lousy method didn’t work was because you were holding back!” When the man on the other end of the line heard her words, he hesitated for a moment and said, “Miss Adkins, if | make it too obvious, they'll call the police, which will getin great trouble.” “That's because you don’t know how to do things properly! | don’t care. | have to get the news of her miscarriage within two weeks! Do you want the 400 thousand dollars or not?” The man was silent for a moment. “Okay! | know what to do!” strawberry adapted very quickly and was very healthy. It just wanted to go out to play every day. Grace had to play with it twice a day.

wo days later, Grace received a call from Justin.

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istin’s voice was a little hoarse. He sounded as if he was tired after not resting for a long time. “Grace, my randfather has passed away. | can only cover after the funeral. Are you doing okay?” race did not know how to comfort him. She paused and said, “You don’t need to worry about me. You have my indolences. Don’t be too sad,” kay. | know that such sad things happen. I'm fine. I'll cover as soon as | can.” 1. o. Grace actually hoped that he wouldn't cover again, but she knew that Justin wouldn't listen, so Grace In’t say anything in the end.

er hanging up the phone, Grace led Strawberry and returned to the apartment after buying groceries.

its ears and barked twice. en she opened the door and walked to the entrance, Strawberry suddenly pe ace placed the key on the caband stroked Strawberry’s head. “Strawberry, what's wrong? Haven't you had ugh fun?” wberry looked up at her and whimpered. Then, it barked a few more times.

ce frowned in confusion. Strawberry was acting too strangely today. In the past, it would drink swater as n as it entered the apartment, but today, it had been standing beside Grace and barking. This had never pened to Strawberry before. What was going on today? ce realized that something was wrong and looked up at the living room. The drawer of the coffee table was not ed tightly.

heart skipped a beat when she realized that there was someone in the apartment.

Grace swallowed nervously and patted Strawberry’s head. “Alright! | really don’t know what to do with you. Lettake you out for another walk!” She grabbed the key on the caband turned to close the door.

With trembling hands, she pressed the elevator button, walked into the elevator, andinmed the closing button, afraid that the one in the apartment would immediately rush out.

The elevator descended. Seeing the changing numbers Grace heaved a huge sigh of relief and collapsed eakly to the floor.

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When the elevator reached the first floor, she quickly ran out and arrived at the children's play area in the community atrium.

Her heart was beating very fast. She subconsciously took out her phone to call Justin but when she thought of the situation on his side, she locked her phone. Grace hugged Strawberry and suddenly felt unprecedented fear.

Enormous confusion and fear overwhelmed her.

Strawberry seemed to sense her helplessness and kept rubbing against her body, making a whimpering sound.

Grace patted its head. “Strawberry, I'm fine.”