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Faking it with Damian Black by Louise Jane

Faking it with Damian Black by Louise Jane Chapter 63
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Chapter 63


Xander peered down at me, his brown eyes questioning. For someone who took

pleasure in pushing my buttons, I’m surprised by his assertiveness. No doubt,

recognition was written all over my face.

I had to give this one to Damian. I did not see this coming.

“Thanks for the dance.” Xander lifted my hand to his mouth, k*ssing my knuckles

and winking at me.

I was so fixated on Damian that I didn’t bother glowering at Xander.

Damian. My God. He looked different but the same. Still beautiful and never

fails to take my breath away. Everything faded as he stepped closer. The music

played by the band and the people swaying around us becinconsequential

in his presence. Nothing mattered but the man smiling at me, his seeking eyes

roaming over my features.

“Millicent,” his voice was low and steady. My nwas a sweet sound falling out

of his l*ps.

My breath got caught in my throat, my heartbeat galloping. He was really here,

“Damian,” I swallowed, pinching myself back to reality. “What… what are you

doing here?”

I bite my tongue. ‘Really, Millicent? That’s all you got for him? What are you

doing here?’

In our month-long separation forced by his absence, I’ve pictured this moment

a hundred times and rehearsed what I would say to him. ‘What are you doing

here?’ was definitely not part of the script.

I’ve got questions that demand answers. He ignored me. I was mad and annoyed

and aching inside, but I knew I had no right to be. How f**ked up was that?

“I believe I asked for a dance,” He fiashed that ssmile that had my heart

melting into a puddle of goo.

Pursing my l*ps, I stood taller, shoulders squared, and leveled him with a stare.


His eyebrows knitted. “No?”

“No, Damian,” my voice was firm.

Chapter 63

“What?” He blinked, surprised that I declined.

Does he think I would be pliant to whatever plot he’s playing again? Not


Fist clenched on my side, I turned and forced my shaking legs to move, taking

one step at a time, careful not to trip and fall as I walked away from him.

Weaving through the dancing crowd, I exhaled loudly when I made it through,

but Damian was on my heels before I could get far.

“Millicent, wait.” His rough fingers circled my biceps. His hold was gentle, loose

enough forto snatch my arm back as though his touch burned me.

“What is it, Damian?” my voice was pitchy.

“Can we talk?”

“Talk? What for? You didn’t bother talking tofor a month,” I huffed.

“There’s no excuse for that,” he murmured, looking around. We’re at the corner

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of the reception, far enough to have privacy, but Damian has another idea in

mind. “I’m here to clear the air between us.”

I could decline. It’s f**king tempting to deprive him of the right to ever speak to

made sure I got that message loud and clear in the last four weeks.

If I let him explain, it would complicate everything again. My brain and b*dy

couldn’t be trusted when it cto Damian. But then the fact remained. He will

always be a part of my life. I would see him at family gatherings and important

holidays, and knowing myself, I would always wonder what happened and why

he suddenly disappeared, so I nodded.

His tensed shoulders loosened as he sighed, then he tipped his head to the

dimly lit walk path circling around the villa.

“Walk with me?”

He steered us away from the reception, away from the glowing lights of the

lanterns and the chatter and music of the celebrating crowd. We walked in

silence. Electric pulse zapped my skin each this knuckles would brush

against mine as we lumbered under the light of the moon,

He was in deep thought. I could hear the gears in his mind moving against the

cacophony of mine.

“I went after Aidan,” he said once we paused at the banks of the lake behind the

villa, the moon glowing against the waters.

Chapter 63

“Where is he?” I asked, dreading the answer he’d give me.

“He can’t hurt you again.”

Struggling not to panic, I asked calmly. “What did you do to him?”

“Do you really want the answer to that?” I sucked in a breath, looking at him

with wide eyes. The gray moon illuminated his side profile. There was a crumple

in his forehead, and his mouth pulled down into a frown. He’s brooding.

Something dark lurked underneath that calm mask he was wearing.

Words elude me. Do I want to know? From Damian’s tone, something had

happened to him and Aidan. Something that would change the way I looked at


He turned to face me, hands tucked in the pockets of his dress pants. His hair

was longer now, its ends rubbing the collar of his dress shirt, a few strands

falling over his forehead. He looked tired and weary. Offering a sad smile, he

murmured, “I kept my promise, Millicent. That’s all you have to know.”

Oh, no.

Though fear and panic made my belly clench, I tried to keep my voice

controlled, repeating my question. “You didn’t-” I shook my head, the words

trapped in my throat.

Damian remained perfectly calm, his breathing shallow as he smiled at me. “I

didn’t kill him, if that’s what you’re asking.”

Relief washed over me. His answer didn’t mean Aidan was unharmed, but at

least he’s still alive, right?

I licked my dry l*ps, rubbing my hands together as the cold air caressed my bare

skin. “Is that the reason you didn’t return my messages and calls?”

Gazing into my eyes, he pinnedwith a stare that poured loads of bricks on

my chest. I prepared for this day since I realized I’d fallen in love with Damian.

He’s about to end everything. Put a period on our story.


I choked on my emotions, staggering back on my heels. “You don’t have to

explain,” I said. “I perfectly understand?

His eyebrows curled. “You do?”

I hummed a yes, facing the waters. “Can I tell you something?”

“Go on.”

Chapter 63

I smile at the dimness of the night, remembering how everything started. I never

thought this was where my drunkenness would lead me, falling for my best

friend’s stepbrother.

“Kissing you at the reunion was the silliest thing I had ever done. And entering

that contract…” I shook my head. “I was so scared no one would believe we were

together, except everyone did. Even our families.”

Damian chuckled. “I had the sthought. It was a desperate move on my part.

I pretended I wanted to save you from humiliation when you were the one

savingfrom my mistakes.”

My voice cracked when I said, “I would miss it.”

He glanced down at me, his eyes traipsing over my face. too.”

“Thank you, Damian,” I whispered, blinking away the sting in my eyes.

“I should be the one thanking you, Millicent,” he said, pulling his gaze away from

cared for.”

There was a crack in my heart that began to grow, creeping through each nook

until it burst into a million tiny, irreparable pieces. This was it. F*ck it hurst. It

took my

all not to fall back on my a*s and hug my knees. “You were a pretty amazing


He grinned at me, showinga glimpse of the man I’ve grown to love the more

I get to know him.

“Don’t gloat.” I rolled my eyes, punching him on the shoulder. “You deserve an

Oscar, but that was it. It’s all for a show. And it cto an end.”

He hummed in agreement. “We were both pretty into it.”

Except that my feelings becreal. I’ve fallen without a safetyor

parachute. Now, I must find the strength to pick up the pieces of myself again or

what’s left of it. This breakup was different. I already knew it was meant to take

place, yet it still f**king stings.

Hands clenching the fabric of my skirt, I thought of an excuse to extract myself

from this conversation. “I have to-,”

“I have-” Damian said at the stime.

I didn’t have the strength to continue this ending anymore, so I smiled at him. “I

have to go back to the reception. Will you be staying the night?”

He nodded. “I booked a room at Summerfields and had an interesting chat with

your dad.”

Chapter 63

I frowned. “With dad?”

“Yeah.” His smile was strained. “I kinda had to.”


It took him a while to respond. Dragging a hand over his hair and blowing a

heavy breath, he said, “I told him about our contract.”

“You what?” I winced. No wonder Dad was insistent I take his offer to work here

at the farm. “Why did you do that, Damian?”

“I had to,” he murmured, his gaze piercing. “You deserve better than a fake


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My frown deepened. “Yeah. We already established that, but why drag my father

into this? He had nothing to do with this.”

“He had everything to do with us, Millicent,” he stated firmly.

‘Us,’ my brows met in the middle, confused. There was no us. He just ended it.

What kind of gis he playing?

I sighed, and my head began to throb. All these push and pull were making my

head. spin. “I don’t understand what you mean, but whatever. It’s over now.”

“Yes, it is,” he pressed.

I narrowed my eyes on him. Does he have to slap that in my face?

“Fine.” I spun around, gasping when he grabbedby the waist, yankingto

his chest.

“You look adorable when you’re mad, you know that?”

I couldn’t keep up with this conversation anymore. Splaying my hands on his

chest, I pushed him away. He yankedcloser. “What?”

He lifted his hand to my face, tucking a few strands of my hair behind my ears.

“You deserve better than a fake relationship,” he murmured, his breath hot on

my cheeks.

“I know. Now letgo.” Fist curled, I feebly pummeled his ch*st with it.

Ignoring my protest, he pressed his forehead against mine. “You deserve a real

one, Millicent.” My eyes widened. “We need to end pretending and start a proper



Chapter 63


He shook his head. “I want to give it all to you if you let me.”

He had to tell my father about our deal so he could ask for his permission.

As though he read my mind, he smiled. “Now you understand why I had to tell

Robert? I need his permission so I can court you properly. Bring you fiowers and

chocolates, ask you out on dates while your father threatens to killif I don’t

take you hbefore midnight.”

I giggled, tasting salty tears rolling down my cheeks. Damian swiped his thumb

over my cheeks.

“So, will you let me?” Hope shone in his green eyes

“Let you what?” I asked coyly, nibbling my lower l*p.

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He groaned. “Letlove you properly, Millicent.”

He knew the answer before I even gave it. The bastard was fighting off a smile.

How could someone break my heart and piece it together like it was brand new?

Only Damian Black.

I nodded, threw my arms around his n*eck, and pressed my l*ps against his. A

glimpse of our new beginning fiashed beforewith each glide and caress of

our l*ps.

-The End-