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Ex-Husband’s Regret by Evelyn M.M

Chapter 404
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Chapter 27 He begins walking again and I follow behind him.

"This is Rowan's office" he says after we stop in front of a door.

It had his brother's non it. I nod my head, not really sure why I needed to know that. Sure, I'm going to work for him, but will I really need to engage with the other higher tops? "My office is right next to his, but letgive you a quick tour before I let my other P.A show you the rest and guide you on what you'll be doing." "That's really not necessary... I'm sure you P.A can givea tour. You must have a lot to do" I tell him in a sickly-sweet voice. Gabriel is infamous for sleeping with his personal assistants, and he has never really tried to hide that dirty fact.

It botheredso fucking much when we were married. I hated knowing that he was my husband, yet he couldn't keep his dick in his pants. It's not like I couldn't give him sex if he wanted, but I knew he never would have asked.

Apart from being a manwhore who enjoyed a variety of women, Gabriel liked the fact that it hurt me. He used it as a way of punishing him for us getting married. I just didn't understand his need to punish me. It's not like he was forced to marry me, he is the one that ctoand proposed after speaking to my brother.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

His behavior confusedfor such a long time. Why askto marry him when he knew he wasn't going to be faithful to me? Since I cback, I've done sresearch on him,and over the years, nothing has changed. He still banged his secretaries and anything with a vagina. The last thing I want is to meet the woman he had been fucking before the Board forced his hand.

"It's no trouble... I'm your husband, it's the least I can do" his rich voice pullsfrom my thoughts.

"Honestly, Gabriel, don't trouble yourself" I insist, trying to get him to leave.

I was stuck in an impossible situation. I didn't want to be around him, but I also didn't really want his damn P.A to givea tour. I'm sure I could figure out things on my own.

Instead of answering or agreeing, he grabs my hand and pullsdown the hallway. The man was fucking stubborn. Didn't he have sdocuments he needed to look at? Or meetings? Didn't he get the fucking hint that I really didn't want him around me? I fas we move down the hall, and he showsaround. There weren't many rooms on this floor. The main ones were Rowan and Gabriel's offices, the boardroom and a lounge area that cwith a small bar area.

"Any questions?" he asks after he's done with the tour.

He still has my hand in his, which is weird. Weird that he hasn't let it go and even weirder that I haven't.

He leadsto his office. The to his interior designer sure did a I.ne wonderful job with it. It was very masculine with its grey color scheme. I'm an interior designer and can appreciate that whoever it is, did a great job. Remembering that he'd askeda question, I pull myself from admiring his office and turn to him.

"Yes, you said that I'd be your P.A, what exactly would I be doing?" I ask staring at him.

"I'll have my other secretary cin... You'll be working together, so he can guide you on how I like this" he answers, but I'm stuck on that one word.

"He?" He looks atas I stare at him with shock. Walking to his office, he grabs the phone and lifts it to his ear.

"Christopher, will you cin?" he says into the phone before putting it down.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Seconds later, there is a knock on the door, before it opens to reveal a man I assis Christopher.

"You called Boss?" he asks as he stares atcuriously.

"You weren't at your desk when we got here," Gabriel noted, his eyes narrowed.

Christopher doesn't seem fazed by Gabriel at all.

"I'm sorry about that, I'd left to collect the weekly reports from the departments. They're on my desk right now." There is a beat of silence before Gabriel moves and sits at the edge of the desk. My eyes involuntarily move to his powerful thighs. There was just something powerful about a powerful man doing this pose.

Shaking my head, I banish those thoughts. There must be something wrong with me. Otherwise, why is it that one second, I'm attracted to him and the next, I'm hating him because of how he treatedin the past. swn "So letmake an introduction, so we can get back to work" Gabriel says, his voice not revealing anything.

"Harper, this is Christopher, my secretary, and Christopher, this is Harper, my wife" he introduces us in a very flat tone.

"Wife?" Christopher looks as shocked as I am.

We both stare at each other, surprise evident in our faces. For him, it must be because of Gabriel's new status as a married man, as forit's the fact that he has a male personal assistant. Since the fuck when did that happen?