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Billionaire’s Sweet Wife by Joanna Badldwin

Chapter 120
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Chapter 120
Seraphina slept for a long time,
It wasn’t because she was too tired from working in the lab all day but because only after she had explored a new field did she
discover in some ways that men were born to be more energetic than women.
Dashiell had got up early to go to the company for a meeting Seraphina didn’t even know when he left. She only vaguely
remembered that Dashiell kissed her forehead before leaving.
Seraphina just didnt remember specifically.
Seraphina moved her fingers and finally touched the phone that was still vibrating. She picked it up and said. “Hello?”
“Seraphina, it’s me.” It was Emily’s voice, and it sounded refreshing.
“Well, you’re so early. Why don’t you sleep longer? Seraphina sald in a daze, turning over and not wanting to move at all.
“Early?” Emily looked at the time and asked, “It’s almost six o’clock. Is it early?”
“Six o’clock Isn’t six o’clock early?” Seraphina’s brain was still confused, and she wanted to hang up the phone the next second.
“Seraphina, it’s six o’clock in the afternoon. You don’t think it’s in the moming, do you? Emily said.
“Isn’t six o’clock in the afternoon early? Well. Wait. What?”
Seraphina came to her senses and asked, “What time is it now? Six o’clock in the afternoon?”
Seraphina couldn’t believe it. She picked up her phone and checked the time carefully. It was indeed almost six o’clock in the
Seraphina was stunned for two seconds. Then she ran barefoot to the window, pulled open the curtains, and looked out. The
sunser seemed to laugh at her idle day
Seraphina simply couldn’t believe that she had slept for a whole day!
“Seraphina, have you slept since last night?” Emily asked.

Although Emily seemed to know the answer, she asked.
Seraphina scratched her hair and sat doen on a chair by the window. Even if she knew the time, she still telt tired.
Seraphina looked at the sunset and breathed a sigh of relief. “Forget if I don’t care what time it is now! What’s the matter? but
today a vacation? Seraphina said.
“Well, we agreed to reiclicate with Mia yesterday. When?” Emily asked. After all, Seraphina was the one who proposed to had a

berapa dadn’t forget it, but she was not in a hurry. “Anytime will call her and see when she is free she sant Seraphina
The lab work was over for the tone being Seraphina and I mily could relax a little, but Mu couldn’t
at the whole ilegai
glunur” Eirily was looking forward to the party. After all, a
ora caperiensed sii
“hay, bys” Belose Seraphine could fing up the phone sta heat ally say any Hey
10:11 Mon Feb 5
Chapter 120
What’s wrong” Seraphina put the phone close to her ear again, feeling lazy all over

Well, Mr. Martinez said yesterday about the trip.. Emily felt embarrassed to mention it but looked forward to it. Did he tell you
where to go?” Emily asked.
“Oh, no, answered Seraphina
Seraphina stood up, went to the bathroom, and put her phone on speakerphone Then she began to brush her teeth.
With bubbles of toothpaste in her mouth, Seraphina heard Emily say in surprise. “What? You didn’t talk about it last night! I
Thinking about the scene after they went home last night, Seraphina blushed.
She complained inwardly, How could we have time to discuss the trip? I didn’t have any chance to bring it up because Dashiell
didn’t give me time at all!!
Looking at herself in the mirror, Seraphina found the dark circles around her eyes were so obvious. She felt as if her whole body
had been disassembled and rebuilt. She looked so exhausted.
“Seraphina! Are you still there? Emily thought Seraphina had hang up after waiting for a long time without getting a
“Oh, Lam. Seraphina rinsed her mouth and spat out the foam
“It’s nothing. I just want to know if you have a planned location. I know I have no right to ask, but I’m excited about the trip. I
haven’t traveled for a long time,” said Emily.

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Emily had been working in the laboratory all day. She wanted to travel, but she either didn’t have time or money. It was rare for
Emily to have such an opportunity, so she was really excited.
“Why don’t you have the right to ask? You will go with us. Of course, you can give me an idea.” Wiping her face. Seraphina
picked up her phone and walked out of the bathroom. “We haven’t decided yet. Do you have a plan? You can recommend places

to us! I will consider! said Seraphina.
“Really?” Seraphina asked in surprise. It was amazing that she could not only go on a trip but also give her ideas!
“Have I ever lied to you?” Seraphina touched her stomach and fellt starving.
When she was asleep, she was completely unaware of the hanger. When she woke up, she felt the hunger so obviously.
“Emily, wait a minute. I’ll call Mia. How about we go to celebrate now?” Seraphina suddenly said
“Now Emily was surprised
Seraphina askerl, “Do you have tune?”
Emily immediately said. “Yeah, I have time! I’m at home!
“Okay, I’ll let you know after I call her!” said Seraplana
Mia agreed really long as she didnt work overtime, she would have plenty of free time after work
Mix said it was her twat Serojdina agaved. Anyway, Seraphina would pay for the bill first at that tune
Seraphina changed lay sloths and went straight in the restaura. However, Ealy arrived eather than her Mis was delayed berause
she had to deal with her work bebas coming here
Before Mia arrived, seaplane reminded Emily. “Mia dork anything our trakt
about it

“What’s wrong with your Emily baked Aher song Meghan Emily stately realized and sand. 1th, you
10 11 Mon, Feb 5
Chapter 120
“Didn’t she know!
Seraphina shook her head and said, “She only knows that I have a boyfriend, but she doesn’t know who it is I didn’t intend to tell
anyone about it”
Seeing Emily grinning, Seraphina continued, “I wouldn’t have told you if I hadn’t happened to meet you yesterday
Emily stopped smiling and said, “I thought I was special!””
“You are very special! Now you are the only one who knows about it!” Raising her hand and patting Emily’s shoulder, Seraphina
said seriously. So remember to keep it a secret!”
Emily was happy again when she heard this. “Well, don’t worry! Emily promised.
Emily knew that she had known a big secret that only she shared with Seraphina. It made Emily feel so good!
Emily suddenly wondered how Julian would look if he knew who Seraphina’s new boyfriend was! Emily began to look forward to
that day!