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Begging For A Reconciliation

Chapter 7
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Molly carefully examined Leah from head to toe without any concealment. She scoffed and

said mockingly, “So you are Leah. You look mediocre though.” Leah had guessed that

Molly had ill intentions. In fact, she despised the woman because she was the reason Han

had locked her in the mental hospital. Even though she considered turning around and

leaving, she decided to stay and see if she could use Molly to get away. Leah calmly took

the seat opposite Molly and said, “I know who you are. You are the Chief’s daughter and

you are engaged to Han.” Molly’s expression darkened as she replied in a threatening

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tone, “Since you know that Han belongs to me, why are you still saying that you are his

wife?” Undeterred by Molly’s piercing gaze, Leah smirked and said, “I’m not lying. You can

get him here and explain himself if you don’t believe me.” Although Molly was skeptical

about the woman’s claims, she could not call Han to demand an answer as nobody knew

that she was at the mental hospital. She stared at Leah and thought to herself, I don’t care

if she’s speaking the truth. There’s no way this woman can continue to stay at Linkville.

Molly snickered and said, “If that’s the case, you…” Before she could finish her sentence,

the vehicle engine was heard. Molly turned around and was shocked to see Han had

arrived. He scowled as soon as he walked through the door and noticed the two women

seated opposite each other. Han ignored Leah and walked to Molly. “It’s windy outside.

Why are you wearing so little? What are you doing here anyway?” He immediately took off

his jacket and wrapped it around Molly. His gaze was never on Leah the entire time. In

contrast to her demeaning and harsh attitude to Leah earlier, Molly was now abashed and

sweet-looking. She replied with a tinge of smugness, “I’m chatting with Ms. Murray.”

“Chatting?” Han turned his attention to Leah and their eyes met. The latter immediately

sat upright in fear. The man continued, “Why are you talking to a crazy person? Let’s head

back.” Leah thought to herself, how dare he say I’m crazy? She straightened her back and

tried to suppress her anxiousness. As she returned his gaze, she said calmly, “Han

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Howard, everything will be fine if you release me now. If not, I’ll not hesitate to do things

the hard way.” Han was not the least bit affected by her threats. He narrowed his eyes and

scoffed, “I’m interested to find out how are you going to do things the hard way.” Leah had

not intended to offend such a powerful man. However, she was left with no choice if Han

decided to imprison her for the rest of her life. Hence, she decided that her only way out

was to threaten him. She asked in annoyance, “Han Howard, why can’t you let me off?”

“You can leave once you have recovered,” Han responded firmly.