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An Understated Dominance by Marina Vittori

Chapter 2220
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Chapter 2220

"Elder Mason, what do you think?" Hank turned to Garrett as the tension eased.

"If the Hall of Gods is extending such sincerity, it would be impolite of US to refuse," Garrett replied with a smile.

With all these rare treasures being presented, they couldn't possibly refuse such an offer. They knew completing

the mission would set them up for a comfortable retirement.

Though risky, the potential rewards made it a gamble worth taking.

Besides, they would be an unstoppable force with the Cosmos Demons on their side.

After all, they never backed down from danger, even when faced with the toughest challenges.

"Elder Mason, your decisiveness is admirable." Hank smiled and turned to Willard. "Mr. Lent, what about you?"

"As long as there's good booze, then we've got a deal," Willard slurred with drunken cheer.

"Perfect! Then, it's settled." Hank perked up with a bright smile.

"Wait! I've got a question." Dustin, who had been observing quietly, spoke up.

"Oh? What's on your mind?" Hank raised a curious eyebrow.

He brought Dustin on board due to his clean record and remarkable skills.

After seeing Dustin defeat Marco previously, Hank suspected him to be a grandmaster martial artist. Someone so

young and skilled was definitely worth recruiting.

"Mr. Styles, you've tasked US with finding treasure. But we're in the dark about what exactly we're after. Can you

give US sinsight? It would ease our minds," Dustin said calmly.

The others nodded in agreement. Their initial excitement had blinded them to this crucial detail.

The meticulous planning of the Hall of Gods raised questions about the purpose behind venturing into the

forbidden grounds of the Sacred Wrym Summit.

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"I must admit that even I'm unsure of what treasure we're seeking," Hank confessed and shook his head.

"What? You're clueless, too?" Garrett was shocked by the revelation.

Tasking them to search for treasure without knowing what they were looking for seemed like a fool's errand.

"I must confess that the God King organized this treasure hunt. I'm simply following orders, and the details are

unclear to me." Hank shrugged helplessly.

"What? The God King is involved?"

"Goodness! Do we really need all this grandeur?"

"It seems the Hall of Gods is dead set on this mission!"

The martial artists exchanged murmurs and were astonished by the revelation.

Four God Kings governed the Hall of Gods. Each of them commanded immense power, much like the Celestial

Alliance's guildmaster.

Their direct involvement in the quest for the treasure hinted at its profound significance.

"Mr. Styles, this mission won't be a walk in the park." Garrett frowned and hesitated again.

The God King's involvement underscored the seriousness of the situation. In the presence of a figure of such

stature, they were merely insignificant.

Garrett doubted if they were being treated merely as expendable bait.

"Elder Mason, don't worry," Hank assured him upon sensing his concern.

He smiled and added, "While the God King has devised the plan, he won't be directly involved. He's just keeping

an eye on things from the sidelines.

"With him watching over everything, I'm sure the plan will work out fine. As for why he hasn't disclosed

everything, it's likely to maintain secrecy and prevent leaks.

"So, no need to worry too much. I'll be right there with you on the mission. If anything goes south, I'll step in and

make sure you're all safe.”

Garrett and the others breathed a collective sigh of relief at Hank's reassurance. It seemed their concerns had

been unnecessary, given Hank's sincerity.

"With your reassurance, we're all in. Just give US the word when you need our help later." Garrett patted his


"Exactly! We've accepted the Hall of Gods' payment, so we'll do our best to fulfill our end of the deal!"

"Even if it means going all out, we're committed to uncovering that treasure for the Hall of Gods!"

The martial artists voiced their agreement. They were prepared to confront whatever challenges awaited them.

"You're all honorable heroes, and |

have full faith in each phyag. thank

“fl befor to Dustin. "Any

lingering doubts or questions? Feel

free to speak up."

Dustin seized the opportunity and said, "Now that you mention it, | do have a question."

"Huh?" Hank's expression tensed. His words had been mere pleasantries, but he was caught off guard when

Dustin took them to heart.

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"Hey, kid! What's with all this nonsense?" Garrett slammed his hand on the table and was visibly annoyed.

"Hmph! We haven't even started yet, and you're already causing a fuss. You really don't know when to quit, do


The other martial artists sneered, and their faces twisted with disdain.

"Don't worry. If you have any

questions, don't hesitate to agyhfl try

my best 93 Rewer A (our doubts,"

Hank said with a faint smile. He tried

to maintain a polite demeanor. The

content is on novelenglish.net! Read

the latest chapter there!

"You mentioned earlier that the God

King of the Hall of Ronee arrived.

® curisghich od King is it this

tire?" Dustin asked. The content is

on novelenglish.net! Read the latest B

chapter there!

The Hall of Gods had already lost one God King. So, who would dare to cto Sacred Wrym Summit now?