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A Life Debt Repaid

Chapter 15
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Chapter 15

Noel was left feeling awkward right then.

In reality, the mysterious Lovely who ranked first globally had retained her crown for three consecutive

years. Noel was far from reaching her level, and it was by sheer luck that she won fifth place last year.

However, that was enough for her to become a miraculous being at Starstream, with every employee

worshiping her blindly.

Even so, Hank Rogers concluded among the murmurs of disapproval toward Cordy. “Why don’t you just

be a macro manager instead? It’s easier for everyone.”

Noel was laughing to herself as he mocked ‘Cordy openly.

After all, she knew Cordy would not have it easy even after she reclaimed Starstream Group. Aside from

Stephen Lang, everyone here were lapdogs to her and her father–they did not mind affording Cordy

three months until she gave up.

“When I worked at Jessop Corp…”

“Sure, they are designers of high fashion here in North City, but you only worked in PR back then.” Hank

continued to throw shade at Cordy, not even allowing her to finish. “You had nothing to do with designing.

so it’s two different issues altogether. Please don’t bother to push yourself”

Cordy rose from her seat then, but while everyone thought that she would storm off after having enough,

she remained perfectly calm..

Whipping out a USB flash drive, she plugged it into the conference room laptop and presented several


“These are all Starstream fashion lines over the past two years. It’s very obvious that nothing much has

changed over each passing season in the last two years, and the design Ms. Noel Sachs presented is

now at the point of being identical. I’d think she was showing me last year’s draft if not for the change of

dye.” “It’s been the trend for the last two years.

Noel wanted to argue, but Cordy scoffed. “Didn’t you get any inspiration while you were visiting Jessop

Corp today?”

“I’m a professional. I won’t plagiarize another company’s work,” Noel said righteously.

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“And I’m telling you that since this spring, the trends have been changing drastically. Here–take a look at

the brochures of planned releases from several major international brands. I’m sure it’s not that difficult to

tell that your designs bear zero resemblance to those trends.”

Cordy was ruthless, but that was because she could not bear with what Noel was doing.

Sticking to a single draft and milking it for two years? It was no surprise that Starstream’s performance in

the market kept failing.

Noel’s expression darkened even as Cordy shut her down, but it was true that she lacked inspiration and

had not been putting an effort in her designs over the last two years.

Naturally, once Cordy exposed her in front of everyone, she had no retort.

In fact, even though the other heads of department were all loyal to Noel, they could not lie through their

teeth with such solid evidence thrown in their faces.

Silent, they all felt as if Cordy slapped them in the face.

With that, Cordy told Noel, “From now on, all drafts from your department would only go into production.

after my assessment. Also, you have one week to prepare a new draft. Submit it personally to me by

next Tuesday.”

Then, turning to the rest, she announced, “Since none of you prepared the summaries I asked, I want

them on my desk by nine in the morning tomorrow. If it isn’t submitted by that deadline, your respective

departments” performance will be marked as null.”

And with those imposing words, she left.

While Stephen hurried after her, everyone else was left gaping at Cordy’s departing figure, surprised by

her charisma and gravitas.

Did she just boss them around? But she was only twenty–five, and a woman at that!

After returning to her office, Cordy told Stephen, “Every department manager is Simon’s lapdog. How I

would like to shake up the entire company and bring in new blood.”

“A shake–up would actually make it difficult to win loyalty, and organizations need its members to work

as one,” Stephen pointed out worriedly

“So we just fire a handful as a demonstration to the rest. That said, the priority is to get rid of Fiona

Lamb, or Simon would have eyes and ears on my every move.”

Stephen actually did a double take, though that was because Cordy far exceeded his expectations.

His loyalty stemmed from an obligation to repay his debt to Cordy’s mother, but Cordy’s performance left

his jaw dropping.

It was almost like seeing Cordy’s mother at the helm again.

Meanwhile, over at the CEO’s office in Levine Ventures HQ, Randy Martin was standing behind John.

Randy had this nagging feeling that his boss was distracted, but did not dare to ask.

After all, he was very much aware that his boss did not like to be interrupted while he was working.

“Randy,” John said, suddenly putting down the document he was holding.

“Yes, Mr. Levine?”

“How are things over there?” John asked right away.

Over there?

Over where?!

The north? The east? The south? Or the west?!

Randy’s mind seemed to travel around the globe for a split second before inspiration struck him. Mrs.


But did John not say to trust her? That was why he did not keep tabs.

Still, Randy was quick on his feet.

“I’ll go ask,” he said and left.

He returned soon after, and reported, “Mrs. Levine called for a meeting of the executives, but things

probably did not go smoothly. That said, it was not a defeat, since the executives were fuming after the

meeting, and one of our people was saying that Noel left the conference room with puffy eyes.”

John’s lips, which were pursed for most of the day, finally relaxed.

Picking up the coffee beside his hand and taking a small sip, he then asked, “Mrs. Levine?”

“…Right?” Randy asked with a slight quiver in his voice.

“Don’t get ahead of yourself.”

Randy almost wanted to complain because John was grinning ear–to–ear

To no one’s surprise, men in love all saw the world through rose–tinted glasses.

“By the way, Mr. Davis called you while you were at that meeting earlier, Randy said, suddenly

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remembering that.

“What did he say?”

“That Mandy Jessop charged into his office like a rabid dog, wreaking havoc and almost giving him a

stroke. He also asked how Many upset you to do that to her, but I didn’t tell him.”

“Just tell him that I’m helping him discipline Mandy… for the contempt she showed him all those years


Randy was speechless–Bob was not about to buy that!

At 10 PM, Cordy was stretching her arms when she realized that she had worked very late

Still, she was used to this back when she worked at Jessop Corp.

Putting the past behind her, Cordy picked up her cup of coffee and stood before the glass window to

enjoy the night view of North City.

All she wanted right now was to set her mother’s company on the right track and to keep it from falling

into the Sachs‘ hands.

But although she thought to herself that she had already forgotten about love… a certain man’s face.

suddenly appeared in her mind.

He was tall, aloof and domineering, but had this hidden tenderness at the same time….

Cordy pursed her lips, but she eventually chose apathy–she held no expectations toward anyone these.


Putting down her coffee, she left her office and returned home, only to find a delivery boy waiting outside

her door

“Ms. Sachs?”

Cordy was surprised–she did not order any delivery.

“One portion of heart–healthy chicken soup. Please sign here!” the delivery boy chirped and held out a


Cordy was about to turn him down when she saw ‘Dicky‘ on the order.

Coming to a realization, she signed it and brought it into her house.

As she drank the delicious broth, she mused to herself if she should thank John… but she eventually put

away her phone after struggling with herself for a while.

Once bitten, twice shy.