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A Journey from Bitterness to Truth

Chapter 32
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Chapter 32 Yvan sat there, ramrod straight, his lean figure casting a striking profile with half his face. turned away, exuding an allure that was both enchanting and devilish.

He occupied the luxuriously appointed private room like a European nobleman from a bygone era, commanding the space with an air of undeniable presence. His features were as finely crafted as a Renaissance painting.

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Matilda's breath hitched the moment she realized it was Yvan. “How can it be you?” che exclaimed in disbelief.

“Mason was just doinga favor by reaching out to you,” Yvan said, his voice even. “Let's sit down and talk about this, shall we?” “No need. I've got nothing to say to you.” Matilda replied, her astonishment quickly replaced by a cold indifference as she turned to leave.

But Yvan’s mocking laugh stopped her in her tracks.

“Matilda, are you really that afraid ofnow? Are you still the brilliant designer you used to be?” his voice taunted.

Matilda froze. He was challenging her pride, forcing her to stay. Clenching her teeth, she spunt around to face Yvan, her eyes blazing with a vivid hatred and took a seat opposite him.

The waiter, sensing the tension, discreetly closed the door behind them, leaving them alone in the confined space.

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After a long silence, Matilda finally spoke. “What do you really want?” Yvan lit a cigarette, blowing smoke rings into the air, his eyes half-closed as he studied Matilda. It was their first calm encounter in five years, and he noted how she seemed unchanged yet entirely different.

Matilda a was no longer the lovestruck woman she once was, and he was no longer the Yvan he had been.

Thad altered them both. They sat there, strangers with familiar faces, exchanging formalities devoid of any real emotion.

A sharp pain stabbed at Yvan’s heart before he spoke again. “Let's make a deal.” Matilda's fists tightened instinctively. “What kind of deal?” “I'll throw business your way, help your stuget on its feet. In return, Logan will be taken care of by the Boyd family. You can see him whenever you want, but his upbringing will be our responsibility.” Matilda didn’t hesitate to refuse. “Mr. Boyd, that’s unnecessary. My brother and | can of him just fine.” take care Chapter 32 “Really?” Yvan'’s smile narrowed his eyes into slits, his demeanor turning cruel with no trace of past affection.

“With one phone call, | can make you and your brother beggars. Do you really want to go head-to-head with me?” “Yvan, don’t you dare pushtoo far!” Matilda's eyes reddened with anger, her gaze filled with accusation.

Yvan detested seeing that look in her eyes. Five years ago, her love for him was boundless: now, she saw him as a monster to be feared.

“Push you too far?” He laughed coldly. “You secretly bore my son and made him live like this. Do you think you've done right by him?” “We have everything we need; Logan isn’t suffering!” “Everything you need?” Yvan'’s laughter grew louder as if he had heard a great joke. “Your ‘everything’ is but a fraction of my generosity. If you want to fight me, Logan will end up sleeping on the streets with you!” “You're using our son to blackmail me?” Matilda's heart bled with these words. “He’s your son too. How can you use him against me? Yvan, do you have no conscience?” “Logan living with the Boyd family will have a life thousands of times better than with you. | refuse to let my son endure the life you're giving him.” Yvan clicked his tongue dismissively, his disdain palpable. “Matilda, you're overestimating yourself. I'm not blackmailing you; I'm simply reclaiming my son in the most peaceful way possible. If | wanted to take him by force, are you sure you could stop me?” Chapter 13